Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.com 2327 Private and Local Banknote Assortment.China, Lot of 6 Notes,
ca.1935-1944, Includes Fujian Provincial Banks, 1935, 1937 & 1938,
5 cents and 1 Jiao; 1939, Jiaoxi County Business Certificate, 5 cents;
1944, China Federal Reserve Bank, 5 Jiao; and, 1940 Choming Food
Association, 5 Jiao, condition ranges from good to AU. Interesting
small change private notes seldom seen at auction. ���������Est.
2328 Private Local Banknote Pair, 1917-1923 Plate Notes From 1929 Pogrebetsky Banknote Book.China, Lot of 2 notes, Includes
Heihe, China. Tongji Saving Bank, 1917 Banknote, 5 cents,
P-Unlisted; and, Hulan, Hulan District Saving Bank, 1923, 10 Yuan,
P-Unlisted with matching page from Pogrebetsky book that the
notes were previously mounted on, Both are in Fine toVF condition
with tape remnants on back from previously being mounted on
page. Rare private banknote with amazing provenance. ��� Est.
2329 Puji Plant Bond 1925 Uniface Specimen, Similar to Circulating LotteryTicket.Shanghai, China, 1925, 2 Jiao= 20 cents, P-Unlisted,
dark blue on light blue and light gold, “This Debenture consisting
40,000 successive No. from No. 1.001 to 41,000, 27th May 1925,
….Drawing at ……Shanghai”. Guidelines on top and bottom,
back blank, Evidently a proof or specimen. Shanghai Model
2330 Seng Dah Zung ND (ca.1920-30) Private Banknote(Shanghai?),
China, 2 cents, P-Unlisted, Issued, blue on light green undertint
of children playing musical instruments, back with purple hand
stamp “Corner of Nanking andChekiang Road”. Serial # 001715, XF
condition. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
2331 Shanghai Local Issue Fractional Banknote group, ca.1920-30’s.Shanghai, China. Lot of 4 notes, includes Yu Sheng Soy Bean
Factory certificate, 2 cents; 3 cents, Tai Yung Money Exchange &
Tobacconists Certificate; 1939, 2 cents, Clover 2 Cents coupon; and
Asia Butchery Co., 2 cents “Will redeem when the National Cents
note is issued”, all are printed on thin card in different colors and
sizes, the last two have their business located on Bubbling Well
Road. All are XF to AU. Scarce Shanghai group. (4).�����������Est.
2332 Shanghai Local Issue Fractional Banknote Trio ca.1920-30’s.Shanghai, China, Lot of 3 notes, Includes Lu Fang Zhai Certificate, 1
cent, red on gray-green paper, back red; Shanghai Yuyong Money
Bureau Private Banknote, 3 cents, red on orange thick paper; Zuqiu
Cigarette certificate, blue on red and light blue. Fine to AU. Scarce
Shanghai Local issues. ������������������������������������������������������Est.
2333 Shanghai Local Small Change Issues, ca. 1920-30’s.Shanghai,
China. Lot of 6 notes, includes Dombey & Son (2), 1 cents, both
similar, printed on light gray paper with red overprint and black
text; SincereCo., Ltd., Shanghai MerchandiseCoupon, 1 cent, black
on light blue and one on light green paper, both similar designs;
SunCo. (S’HAI) Ltd., Credit Coupon, 1 cent, red on white paper; and
Hongkew Park, “One Admission Only” 10 Coppers, mostly AU to
Uncirculated, scarce Shanghai scrip issue assortment (6). � Est.