Archives International Auctions- AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
2334 Shantai Cigarette Certificate, 1919 Private Shanghai Small Change Issue.Shanghai, China, 5 Jiao = 5 cents, P-Unlisted, Issued,
brown and green border with river and mountain scene in middle
on pink undertint, back brown and turquoise, Serial #00994, Fine
to VF with a small tape repair on the back left margin, Scarce and
early Shanghai local issue. Shanghai Business Book Publisher�� Est.
2335 Siheng Watch & Jewelry Certificate, ca.1920’s Scrip Note.Shanghai, China. 2 Yuan. Blue with building on right, back is
duplicate of face, Missing excess paper on top left margin. Est.
2336 Tai Kang Zhuang Money Bureau, Specimen 1924 Shanghai LocalIssue.
Shanghai, China, 98 cents, P-Unlisted, Black and Green on
light red, Overprinted on face “China Book Publisher, Specimen,
Invalid”, back brown with train, AU, China Book Publisher�Est.
2337 Wan Feng Yuan Money Bureau, 1928 Private Banknote.Shanghai, China, 1928, 1000 cents, P-Unlisted, Purple stamp on
back: China old money exhibition souvenir; 1942 July 4th; Green
with red text, back olive green with little cherubs, AU. ������� Est.
2338 Wan Long Quan Money Bureau, Private Banknote, ND ca.1910-30.
Jianchang, Nansonglingzi County, China, 10 Yuan, P-Unlisted,
Blue facewith large facingdragons on sides, back brown locomotive
and passengers on top and steamship at bottom, Possibly unissued,
Fine to VF condition with tape remnants on top and bottom from
previous mounting on the book plate page, This is the only note of
the 3 different Pogrebetsky plate notes photographed on this page
from his circa 1929 book on Chinese banknotes printed in Harbin,
China. Rare private banknote with amazing provenance. ��Est.
2339 Western Bank, 1926 Funeral Money or Hell Note.China, 1926, 10
Yuan, P-Unlisted, used at funerals.����������������������������������������Est.
2340 Wu Fa Xiang Money Bureau, 1941 Specimen Private banknote.Yangshan, China, 100 cents, P-Unlisted, green on light yellow
underprint, ship on right, pagodas on left, back green and brownish-
purple, hand stamp: China Book Publisher, Specimen, Invalid. AU
to Unc. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.