Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
Archives International Auctions
2289 Business &Civilian Money Bureau, 1929 Private Issue Banknote.China, 20 Yuan, P-Unlisted, orange-red on light green, house in
middle, VG with repairs on back. ����������������������������������������� Est.
2290 Chahaer Business Bank, 1921 Issue Banknote Pair.Chahaer,
China, Lot of 2 banknotes, both are 10Yuan, P-Unlisted, Dark green
on light green, back brown, VG and Choice Fine. Scarce local bank.
2291 China Private Money Bureau Banknote Assortment.China, Lot
of 4 scrip notes. Includes 1933, YuXiangXin Money Bureau, olive
green face, brown back; 1933 China Communist Central Bank, 5
Jiao, brown face, burnt orange back; China Lixin Cigarette Inc.
Certificate, 10 cts, chestnut brown, back red; 1915 Banpufuxing
Money Bureau, Private banknote, 1Yuan, Green on red, Pagoda on
shoreline at left, building on right, back blank, possibly a uniface
specimen, rare, lower right corner tip cut off. ��������������������Est.
2292 China Private Money Bureau Banknote Assortment.China, Lot
of 3 notes, Includes 100 cts; 500 cts and 10Yuan, various colors and
designs, P-Unlisted. XF to AU. ������������������������������������������Est.
2293 China Wanwu Store Certificate or Coupon, ca.1925.Shanghai,
China, 1 Yuan, P-Unlisted, Unissued, no serial numbers, blue and
red on light red underprint, counterfoil on top, AU, Scarce local
Shanghai issue. Shanghai Huaji Street Pujishantang ���������� Est.
2294 Chongsing Cigarette Store 1928 Certificate or Coupon.China, 2
Jiao-20 cents, P-Unlisted, Orange on front and back, Red overprint,
Possibly a local Shanghai issue. ������������������������������������������� Est.