Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.com 512 Austrian Notgeld, Heller denominated.Austria. Very little, if any
noticeable duplication. The majority housed in a Edelweiss 16 stamp
album. Generally Extremely Fine and Uncirculated. Over 675 pieces.
Austria, Hungary - Notgeld
513 Group of Notgeld Issues.Austria & Hungary. 1915-21. Various state,
town and POW Camp issues. Including: Austria: Brixlegg, Bruch,
Desselbrunn, Frose, Haibnach, Innsbruck, Karntner, Kopfing, Naarn,
Oberofterreich, Ottnang, Paura, Pinsdorf, Reichraming, Reith,
Salzburg, Stift Ardagger, St. Marienkirchen, St. Pantaleon (printing
error), Sparbach. Also included are 1, 2, 5 Heller 1915 Kleinmunche,
Landegg Barack Administration 2 Heller. Hungary: Budapest, Red
newspaper purchasing group. Generally Very Good to Very Fine,
some better. Over 90 pieces. ������������������������������������������������� Est.
514 Central Bank of the Bahamas, 1992 Commemorative Issue.Bahamas. 1 Dollar. SCWPM 50. Columbus at left. Patriots,
flamingos, map, Columbus’ ships on back. CBNC. All serial # prefix
letters, A-F. All Choice Uncirculated. 6 pieces. (Arthur C. Matz
515 Central Bank of the Bahamas.Bahamas. 10 Dollars. SCWPM
53.Elizabeth II at right, flamingos at right. Hope Town
harbor on back. BABN. Choice Uncirculated. (Arthur C. Matz
Collection)��������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
516 Central Bank of the Bahamas.Bahamas. 20 Dollars. SCWPM
54. Sir Milo Butler at right. Nassau harbor on back. TDLR. Choice
Uncirculated. (Arthur C. Matz Collection) ����������������������������Est.
517 Central Bank of the Bahamas. 1992-95 ND Issue.Bahamas.
1, 5 Dollars. SCWPM 51, 52a. Elizabeth II at right. James H. Smith
signature. Choice Uncirculated. 2 pieces. (Arthur C. Matz Collection)
518 Central Bank of the Bahamas. 1996 Issue.Bahamas. 1, 10 Dollars.
SCWPM 57a, 59a. Elizabeth II at right. James H. Smith signature.
Choice Uncirculated. 2 pieces. (Arthur C. Matz Collection)��� Est.