Archives International Auctions- AIA XXIX Part II
October 29,2015
Archives International Auctions
533 Bermuda Monetary Authority.Bermuda. 10 Dollars. SCWPM 30b.
Elizabeth II at right. Harbor and bird on back. Low Serial # A/2
000089. Choice Uncirculated. (Arthur C. Matz Collection)���� Est.
534 Bermuda Monetary Authority. 1989-92 Issues.Bermuda. 50
Dollars. SCWPM38, 40a (Low serial # 001652).The last is aColumbus
400th Anniversary Commemorative. Elizabeth II at right. Both
Choice Uncirculated. 2 pieces. (Arthur C. Matz Collection)��� Est.
535 Bermuda Monetary Authority. 1992-97 Issues.Bermuda. 50
Dollars. SCWPM 44a (Low serial # 000159), b, c; 48. Elizabeth II at
right. All Choice Uncirculated. 4 pieces. (Arthur C. Matz Collection)
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536 Banco Central Do Brasil - 1966; 1967 ND Provisional IssueSpecimen.
Brazil, ND (1966-67), 10 Centavos on 100 Cruzeiros,
Estampa 2A, Ser.912A, P-185b, Unlisted Specimen banknote, Black
circular overprint with “Banco Central” and new currency unit on
P-180, red on m/c with Dom Pedro II on m/c, back red with seated
Cultura Nacional”. Specimen overprint, “00000” serial numbers and
POC’s, with embossed red ovals “Specimen De La Rue & Co. Ltd.
No Value”. PMG graded “62 Uncirculated”, evidence of previous
mounting on back right margin, Rare TDLR specimen banknote.
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British Commonwealth
537 British Commonwealth Interest.Great Britain: 10 Shilling, 1 Pound
P-368c, 369b; 1 Pound P-377b (2-AX and BX Prefix); Guernsey: 1
Pound, P-48a; Isle of Man. 50 New Pence, 1 Pound, P-28, 29; Jamaica
CS3, 1-2-5-10 Dollars but only the 25th Anniversary overprint part
of the set with star serial # prefixes; Scotland 1 Pound, P-329a. All
Uncirculated and most likely Choice. 12 pieces. ������������������� Est.
538 British Commonwealth group.Canada (4); Gibraltar; Great Britian
(Postal note, Armed forces voucher) 5); India (2); Irish Sweepstake
ticket (2); Trinidad and Tobago (2); Generally Very Good-Fine, some
better. 16 pieces total.���������������������������������������������������������� Est.
539 Bank of Canada, 1973 Issue.Canada. Bank of Canada. 1973 Issue.
$1.00 Elizabeth II at right, Parliament Building and Ottawa River on
back. SCWPM 85 (52); $2. 1974. Inuit’s preparing for a hunt on back.
SCWPM 86 (15). Generally Fine or better. 67 pieces. ��������������Est.