Archives International Auctions- AIA XXIX Part II
October 29,2015
Archives International Auctions
506 Commonwealth of Australia, 1938-40 Issue Short Snorter FromGuadalcanal.
Australia, ND (1942). 10 Shillings, P-25b, Issued
banknote, Orange with King George VI on right, back orange. S/N
F/32 027973, Armitage | McFarlane signatures. Fine+ to almost VF
condition. Back with handwritten signatures and locations “P.W.
McGowan, U.S.N. - Guadalcanal” and other signatures. Short
Snorter on scarce banknote with historic battle reference. Est.
507 Commonwealth of Australia, 1954 SeriesAustralia. 10 Shillings.
SCWPM29. MatthewFlinders portrait at right end.VF; 5 Pounds. #35
(2). Sir John Franklin at right. BothVery Fine. All with the appearance
of a better grade. 3 pieces. ��������������������������������������������������Est.
508 Reserve Bank of Australia. 10, 20, 50, 100 Dollars. First polymerissue.
Australia. SCWPM 52a, 53a, 54b, 55b. First year of issue for
first two and first series (FA) for the third. Portraits not identified. All
Choice Uncirculated and a well matched group. 4 pieces. (Arthur C.
Matz Collection) ������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
509 Reserve Bank of Australia. 10, 20, 50, 100 Dollars. Second polymerissue.
Australia. SCWPM 58a, 59a, 60c, 61a. Portraits identified. All
Choice Uncirculated and a well matched group. 4 pieces. (Arthur C.
Matz Collection) ������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
510 Austrian Notgeld AlbumAustria. Mostly 1920 issues but with some
others. Album of Notgeld. Contemporary assembled album of
Notgeld issues denominated inhellers.Album is constructedof heavy
weight card stock pages, in a binder with card covers and a wrapped
string binding. Notes are easy to examine in stamp page like slots
on the page. Pages have held together very well over the past 90
years. Notes are uniformly Uncirculated, but due to the thickness of
the album and pages some have developed a bit of a storage wave or
have light corner folds when notes have moved during page flipping.
Others with uneven paper tone on the side which touched the page
and overlapped an adjoining note. All mentioned for accuracy. An
amazing specialized group. Over 1500 pieces. ��������������������Est.
511 Austrian Notgeld GroupAustria. Includes: Altaist, Amstetten,
Brunnenthal, Desselbrunn, Eckartsau, Emmersdorf, Erlauf, Ertl,
Euratsfeld, Gmunden, Gosau, Gross-Segharts, Henhart, Karntner,
Korneuberg, Lasberg, Melt, Neuhofen, Nussdorf, Nussendorf, Parz,
Peuerbach, Piberbach, Pochlarn, Poggstall, Pongau, Pressbaum,
Puchberg, Salzburg, Vorchdorf, Voslau, Wachauer, Walding, Wein
Windhag, Winklarn, Zwettl, in addition to several church issues.
Over 145 pieces �������������������������������������������������������������������Est.