Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part I
October 24, 2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comSCRIPOPHILY - MINING
John E. Herzog Collection
We are proud to offer a small portion of historic
and rare scripophily from the John E. Herzog
Collection. Everyone in our scripophily hobby,
dealers and collectors alike, owes a debt of
gratitude to John and Diana Herzog for creating
and hosting the highlight event for many years in
scripophily in the U.S. at Strasburg, Pennsylvania
and now the current Wall Street Bourse events
that have helped to enhance and promote our hobby
to the world.
313 Sierra Nevada & Pacific Coast Gold Silver & Copper MiningExploring...Co.
186-; prepared, signed three times, but not fully
issued. Splendid certificate, Strasburg 1996, lot 1100, $725. (From
the collection of John E. Herzog). (From the collection of John E.
Herzog). ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
314 StanislausCentral BridgeCompany, 1853 One share, only four years
after gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill. Three very nice vignettes,
SmytheMemphis 1995, lot1319 $420. (From the collection of John E.
Herzog). ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
315 Cripple Creek Standard Handbook of Mines, 1901Second Edition,
96 pps plus cover, many maps. Front cover loose, but over condition
very good. Not seen often. (From the collection of John E. Herzog).
316 Marine Signal Company, 1865, 50 shares#58, Ship vignette on
rough sea, company in Wallingford. Smythe Strasburg 2004, $300.
(From the collection of John E. Herzog).������������������������������ Est.