Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part I
October 24, 2015
Archives International Auctions
292 Federal Sugar Refining Co., 1919 Specimen Bond.NY, $500, 10
Year 6%Sinking Fund Bond, Black on orange border and underprint,
Vignette top center of allegorical women flanking company logo,
Red SPECIMEN overprints and POC’s, VF-XF condition, FLD-ABNC.
Not offered by us previously. ����������������������������������������������� Est.
293 Guantanamo Sugar Company Specimen Shares. 1909.Guantanamo, Cuba properties. Green border, Specimen for 100
shares, ox drawn sugar cane wagons, ABNC EF. ������������������ Est.
294 Punta Alegre Sugar Co. Issued Stock.Delaware, 1931, 2 Shares,
Issued and Uncancelled Stock, #C038394, Black on orange border
and underprint, Vignette top center of sugar plantation workers, VF-
XF condition, ABNC. ���������������������������������������������������������� Est.
295 Punta Alegre Sugar Co., ca. 1900 Specimen Stock Certificate.Cuba (Delaware incorporation), 100 Shares, Common, Black on
blue border and underprint, Sugar cane field with workers and oxen
pulled wagon. XF, POC. ABNC. �������������������������������������������Est.
296 Punta Alegre Sugar Co., ca. 1900 Specimen Stock Certificate.Cuba (Delaware incorporation), <100 Shares, Common, Black on
brown border and underprint, Sugar cane field with workers and
oxen pulled wagon. XF, POC. ABNC.�����������������������������������Est.
297 Santa Cecilia Sugar Corp., ND ca.1910-20’s Specimen StockCertificate.
Cuba?. <100 Shares, Specimen, Black on olive-green
border and underprint, men with oxen pulledwagon with sugar cane,
VF-XF.Very possibly Cuba related. Scarce sugar company certificate.