Archives International Auctions- AIA XXIX Part I
October 24,2015
Archives International Auctions
58 Erie Salt Co. Through the Bank of Richmond, Proof StockCertificate.
NewYork, 18xx, proof Stock, Two allegorical women top
right with ships behind, VF-XF condition, S.Stiles, Sherman & Smith.
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
59 North Bank, ca.1838 Proof Stock Certificate.New York. 18xx (ca.
1838), Odd Shares, Black, seated reaper and sheaves at left, sailing
ship at right, sheaves at bottom. VF-XF condition, UBSH-DU&C
Printer. Attractive and rare early Pittsburgh banking certificate. No
imprint but early security printer. ����������������������������������������Est.
60 Ocean Bank of the City of New York, 1857 Issued Certificate.Scarce certificate. We are uncertain of the rarity, but it may be much
harder to obtain than the rarity rating indicates. The paper is lightly
toned, otherwise choice condition for such a certificate, Fine toVery
Fine. First time seen by us. ��������������������������������������������������Est.
61 Oriental Bank, ND, ca.1850’s (Plate altered for ca.1900 Usage), Proof Stock Certificate.New York, NY, Odd Shares, seated
allegorical woman with globe and ship on top and seated woman
by trees and fountain on left counterfoil, printed on thin card, Fine
to Choice Fine condition with archival notations on margins, ABNC.
�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
62 State Bank of Ohio, Proof Stock Certificate.Ohio, 18xx (ca. 1850’s),
72 Shares, Proof Stock Certificate. Two women sitting on middle left
margin sailor middle right margin two women with shield top center
with ship and wheat field behind them, VF-XF condition, DWC.�� Est.
63 Bank of Middletown, ND, ca.1830’s, Proof Stock Certificate.Middletown, Pennsylvania, Odd Shares, Allegorical seated Liberty
with shield flanked by Pennsylvania arms on right and left, printed
on india paper on thin card, VF-XF condition with light glue spots in
excess margin far from printed order, rare and attractive, UBSH-DU.
64 Bank of Northern Liberties, ND, ca.1820-30’s, Proof StockCertificate.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Odd Shares, Allegorical
women with Pennsylvania arms under curved title, printed on india
paper on thin card, VF-XF condition with light glue spots in excess
margin, UBSH. ��������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.