Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
1084City of Baton Rouge 1866 (ca.1960-70’s) Specimen Souvenir Card.Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1866 (ca.1970’s), $1, Unlisted in Haxby.
Modern “Proprietary Proof”, Black printing with red underprint
printed on thin white card, Uncirculated, ABNC. Rare specimen
souvenir card. �������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1085City of New Orleans $20 Premium Bond of 1875 sheet.LA.
$20-20-20-20. ABNC. Very Fine, folded between notes, poc’s on
each. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
1086Corporation of St. Martinsville. 1 Dollar. 1862.LA. Typeset. Very
1087Corporation of St. Martinsville. 1 Dollar. 1862.LA. “TEWNTY”
spelling error. Typeset. Very Fine. ����������������������������������������Est.
1088 Corporation of St. Martinsville. 1 Dollar. 1863.LA. Typeset.
1089Louisiana Lot of 3 Uncut Obsolete Sheets and 1 HungarySheet.
New Orleans, LA. Lot of 3 obsolete sheets, all are in AU to
Uncirculated with some notes with small faults and tears, includes
Citizens’ Bank of Louisiana, $100-$100-$100-$100, ABNC printing;
N.O Canal & Banking Co., $10-$10-$10-$20, UBS printer; Canal
Bank, $10-$10-$10-$10, all with profile portraits of Washington and
Franklin very similar to the ones used on the first 2 U.S. postage
stamps from 1845,TCC printing; and Hungary, 1 Forint, 1-1-1-1 uncut
sheet, TCC&C. Attractive sheet assortment.������������������������Est.
1090New Orleans Canal & Banking Co. uncut sheet.LA. $10-10-10-20.
Neptune seated on first three, Sailor with flag and ships on fourth.
Paper tone, water stain. UB&S. Uncirculated.������������������������ Est.