Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
1070Canal Bank. 10 Dollars. 18xx.LA. Eagle at top center. Bold red
underprint. NBNC. Unsigned remainder. Uncirculated.����������� Est.
1071Canal Bank. 1000 Dollars. 18xx.LA. Females seated with shield.
Unsigned remainder. Uncirculated. ������������������������������������� Est.
1072 Canal Bank. 20, 100 Dollars. 18xx.LA. Putti and angels around large
value; Second with Sailor and ship. Both with paper tone. Unsigned
remainders. First PMG Superb Gem Unc-67 EPQ, second almost as
nice. 2 pieces.���������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
1073Canal Bank. 500 Dollars. 18xx.LA. Steam sailing ship at top center.
Unsigned remainder. Uncirculated. �������������������������������������Est.
1074Citizens’ Bank of Louisiana, 1 Dollar. 18xx.
LA. Sailing sloop at
center. ABNC. PMGGemUncirculated-66 EPQ. �������������������� Est.
1075 Citizens’ Bank of Louisiana, 10 Dollar. 186x.LA. “DIX” Note. Steam
sailing ship at top center. Bold rose underprint. NBNC. Unsigned
remainder. PCGSVery Choice New-64 PPQ.���������������������� Est.
1076Citizens’ Bank Uncut Sheet of Four. CA 1840s.New Orleans,
Louisiana. Uncut sheet of four $5 notes, pink underprint, blue back,
Liberty with shield and flag, ornamental 5s, bi-lingual text, AU, small
edge tear, and some margin folds.�����������������������������������������Est.
1077Citizens’ Bank of Louisiana at Shreveport uncut sheet.LA. $5-
5-5-5-5. Two females seated on cotton bale at top center. Green
underprint, rose back. ABNC. Uncirculated.������������������������� Est.