Archives International Auctions Part XVI - page 167

1100 Commercial and Agricultural Bank Proprietary Obsolete
Proof Note.
Galveston, Texas, 1848, (originally printed in 1848, this
note is ca.1960<70’s), $3, (TXS<6<G4), Proof only issue, Modern
“Proprietary Proof”, cotton plant over barrel at left, sailing ship at
center and George Washington at right, Black printing without
underprint, printed on thin white card, PMG graded Choice
Uncirculated 64 . Another rare note from this series that is rarely
seen in any form. DH. (ABN Commemoratives, AIA XI, May 15, 2012)
EST. $150;300
1101 Obsolete Banknotes, IR Checks, College currency Hodge
Lot of 6 items, All of the obsoletes are unissued, Highlights
include Multi<color Michigan, $2, 18xx (ca. 1860’s) with Buffalo
Indian Hunt, Marshall, MI, $1 girl, dog and cows; $10 Canal Bank, red
& black with eagle; Manhattan Silver Mining, 187x, $10 with IR; 1
cent Eastment College Bank and Carson City check signed by Geo.
B. Hill. All are in AU to CU condition, mostly CU.
EST. $250;500
1102 Bank of Black River $50 Proprietary Proof.
Vermont, ND (originally printed in 1845<50’s, these are ca.1960<
70’s), $50, (VT<185<G14pp), Modern “Proprietary Proof”, The note
has a full banknote sized vignette of allegorical women holding
hands with an angel in the middle with standing Liberty with eagle,
Liberty Cap on Pole and Shield, Black printing without underprint,
printed on thin white card, PMG graded Superb Gem Uncirculated
67 EPQ, DSH<SHD. (ABN Commemoratives, AIA XI, May 15, 2012)
EST. $100;200
1103 Edwin Hillyer per Corn Exchange Bank, Waupun, Wisconsin
Proof Scrip Note.
Waupun, Wisconsin, No Date (ca. 1862), 5 Cents
in Current Funds, Haxby Bank Listing WI<850<Unlisted. Unlisted
Issuer in Krause. Rarity<7.Proof, Printed in red on light orange
underprint with curved outline white issuer name Edwin Hillyer,
Bank title arched across top in Gothic, denomination and obligation
across center. No Serial Number, Printed on thin card.
Lithographed, Choice Uncirculated, Imprint of H. Seifert Lith.
Unlisted issuer with four notes found in the Krause Collection.
Possibly unique Wisconsin scrip note. (From the Chester L. Krause
Collection, Stacks September 2010 Americana Auction).
EST. $500;1000
1104 Bank of the United States (2nd), 1817;34 Issue Proof Pair
No Place Name, Uncut vertical pair, 18xx (ca.1830’s), $5 <
$5, US<2<G Unlisted design and unlisted denomination for Printer as
well as being unlisted in the census, Black on india paper,
Unmounted, Patriotic eagle with shield with spread wings facing
right, Text on note “Cashier of the Bank of the united States, Pay to
______ or order FIVE Dollars. Office of Discount & Deposit
in_________ the ___ day of _______ 18xx”. FIVE printed vertically on
left and right counterfoils with ornate cycloid engraving and “FIVE”
spelled 5 times on the top and bottom borders, Printer Draper,
Underwood, Bald & Spencer, Extremely rare as uncut sheet as well
being unlisted in Haxby in any format, Impressive looking banknote
pair but unfortunately there are light glue stains on the left area of
both notes as well as significant tears that could be repaired if
desired. DUBS.
EST. $1250;2500
Archives International Auctions, Part XVI
October 22, 2013
Archives International Auctions
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