973 Hamilton Glass Factory, 1815, Issued Obsolete Scrip Note.
Albany, New York, 50 cts, Issued obsolete banknote, “XXX” can-
celled with ink over title, Large building on top center, printed on
thin paper, Choice VF to XF with small pin holes due to thin paper,
not caused by pins, very attractive, rare and early New York Glass
factory scrip note. .....................................................
Est $300-600
974 Bank of the Northern Liberties, 1841 Issue Proof Banknote.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 19th, 1841, $1, (PA-470-Unlisted
Series), Black on india paper, cherubs flank bee hive at top middle,
seated allegorical woman on LL, pp C, appears Choice Uncirculated
but there was an expert repair on the top right margin and Choice
AU to Uncirculated, UBSH-DU. (Ex Smythe & Co., Auction 247, Mar.
23, 2005, Lot #4703, sold for $207).............................
Est $140-280
975 Borough of Pottsville, 1837 Issued Obsolete Currency.
Pottsville, Pennsylvania, 5 cts, Issued obsolete Emergency Scrip
note from the panic of 1837, Orange-red printing with white text.
From a loan of $15,000, back blank, VF condition with bright colors
and sharp corners. Scarcer 1837 Panic Scrip. Morris, Philadelphia
Est $100-200
Pennsylvania, Texas, Indiana
976 Leonhardt & Son, Lithographer Specimen Scrip Note Sheet,
Philadelphia, PA, 18 x 13 inches, printed in green and
black, 7 Obverse and 4 Reverse Samples printed on the same sheet,
Notes include Indiana, 1871, 25 Cents and $1, Coal Brook Mines
(Near Brazil, Ind.); 187x, Du Bois, Clearfield Co., Pennsylvania, 50
Cents; 187x, $5, Brockwayville, PA, R.W. Moorhead Scrip Note;
1876, Houston, Texas, Bank of the Crittenden Business College, $2
and amazing note overlapped by Philadelphia, $20 Union Business
College Back with $10 Obverse to its right, XF condition, Amazing
sample sheet that was last offered in 1992. Some of the proofs are
possibly the only ones available. Leonhardt & Son. (ex-R.M.Smythe,
Auction 110, November 23, 1992, Lot 2303). .............
Est $750-1500
Rhode Island
977 Bank of the Republic, 1855 Obsolete Banknote Set.
Providence. R.I., 1855, Lot of 5 notes, Includes $1; $2; $3; $5 and $10
obsoletes, all in VG to Fine condition, Attractive banknote assort-
ment. ABNC-JDW. .....................................................
Est $350-700
978 Commercial Bank Uncut Proprietary Sheet of 2 Notes.
RI, Uncut sheet of 2 notes, 18xx (originally printed in 1850-60’s,
these are ca.1960-70’s), $5-$10, (RI-30-G46a; G56a), the $5 note is
listed as SENC in Haxby, Modern “Proprietary Proofs”. The $5 proof
has seated Liberty with child and staff on lower left, Burnside at cen-
ter and woman with eye glass at right; The $10 note ahs young
women on left, Arms middle and seated woman with spear on right,
Black printing with green underprint, printed on thin white card,
PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64, ABNC. Archival “Proprietary”
proofs rarely seen in sheet form. ...............................
Est $250-500
979 Liberty Bank, $100 Enigmatic Copper or Brass Plate.
Providence, RI, 18xx (ca.?), $100, RI-325-G14 engraved on metal
plate, Surrender of Cornwallis on upper left, eagle lower right, Tape
remnants on edges, possibly an internal test by ABNC for the Silver
bullion obsolete banknote series with matching proofs from the
1970-80’s. The note engraving has deep intaglio surfaces, Warrants
further study and research. ABNC..............................
Est $750-1500
Tennessee & Virginia
980 Bank of Chattanooga, 1861 $20 Obsolete & Confederate 1862
$100, T39.
Lot of 2 notes, Both in VG condition with faults, spots
and small tears in margin. (Photo in Back) .................
Est $60-120
981 Commercial and Agricultural Bank 1848 (ca. 1960-70)
Proprietary Proof.
Galveston, Texas. 1848 (ca. 1960-70’s). Modern
proprietary note $1, printed in black on thin white card. Printed by
D&H. Rare proof from this popular state....................
Est $150-300
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions