New York
1038 Fourth Liberty Loan Association, New York City, ca.1917-19
Proof Partial Payment Stamp.
New York, NY. ND (ca.1917-19),
$4 on purchase of $100 Fourth Liberty Loan Bond, Proof Stamp,
Unlisted, Evidently used as a production proof since the border has
been cut out on the right 2/3rds of the stamp, Liberty on left, Printed
in green on india paper, Plate # C-14485 on top, Only 2 or 3 found in
archive and in black. XF to AU condition. ABNC.........
Est $200-400
1039 Victory Liberty Loan Association, New York City, ca.1917-19
Proof Partial Payment Stamp.
New York, NY. ND (ca.1917-19),
$10 on purchase of $500 Victory Liberty Loan Bond, Proof Stamp,
36 x 26 mm, Unlisted, Liberty on left, Printed in green on india
paper, Plate # C-1309 on top, Possibly unique as proof. AU condi-
tion. ABNC.................................................................
Est $200-400
Washington, D.C.
1040 $1000 8 3/8ths % Treasury Bond of 2003-2008
The United
States of America 8 3/8ths% Treasury Bond of 2003-2008 Dated
August 15, 1978. Graded CU UNC by Pass-Co. Coupons 51-60
Attached. Please note that this bond has been called so, only the
bond itself has an intrinsic value of $1,000.00. The coupons that
remain are of collector value only. .............................
Est $1500-2000
1041 U.S. Treasury Draft of the Geneva Award, 1889 Issue.
Washington, D.C. June 3, 1889, $1.74, Issued U.S. Treasury Draft of
the Geneva Award. Black on white with additional red text, Portrait
of Salmon Chase on left with text “Geneva Award. Fifth Auditor’s
Report, S/N 7745, XF condition, Printed by BEP, The Alabama
Claims were a series of claims for damages by the United States
government against the government of Great Britain for the assis-
tance given to the Confederate cause during the American Civil
War. After international arbitration endorsed the American position
in 1872, Britain settled the matter by paying the U.S. $15.5 million
for damages done by several warships built in Britain and sold to the
Confederacy, thus ending the dispute and ensuring friendly rela-
Est $150-300
1042 United States of America $50 War Savings Bond, 1st War
Loan of Nov. 30-December 23, 1942.
United States of America
Fifty Dollar War Savings Bond Series “E” Bond “early issue with
embossed U.S. Treasury Seal, Graded by Pass-Co. “OS” Original
State, Bond is MINT. .................................................
Est $150-250
1043 U.S. War Savings Bond, 1945 Issue $10 Series E.
U.S., July
1945, $10, Issued and uncancelled U.S. Savings Bond, “War Savings
Bond Series E”, Black on light green underprint, Franklin on left,
underprint of eagle, red seals, Morgenthau Signature, back with
black redemption text, S/N X6 690 402 E, AU to Uncirculated, Rare
U.S. savings bond denomination. BEP. .....................
Est $500-1000
1044 Series E Savings Bond, 1945 Issue
$100, Cleveland vignette on
left. Orange back. Printed on banknote type of paper. Snyder
Signature as Secretary of Treasury. Uncirculated condition.
BEP. .........................................................................
Est $200-400
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions