952 Heinz, Noble & Company - Anchor Pickle & Vinegar Works
Obsolete Banknote, 1 of 3 Found.
Woodstock, Illinois, October 1,
1875, $10, P-Unlisted, Issued obsolete banknote or scrip note.
Allegorical female “Reaper” on left and Franklin on right with red
circular underprint of company logo in red of Anchor with “Anchor
Pickle & Vinegar Works - Heinz, Noble & Co”. Also black oval over-
print on face “Payable at Murphy & Bishop Banking House”, a few
small splits and the lower left and right corners either missing or
detached but still present, a few small pin holes on the left margin,
otherwise crisp, attractive and only 2 very light vertical folds. This
was listed as a 3rd and final example offered by R.M.Smythe in
2004. Attractive and definitely rare well known and historic “Pickle”
Company in high grade. ............................................
Est $400-800
953 Canal Bank, 1830’s Obsolete Banknote Pair.
New Orleans,
Louisiana, 18xx, Lot of 2 notes, Includes $50 and $100 notes, the $50
is Uncirculated, the $100 AU, TCC. (Photo in Back)....
Est $50-100
954 State of Louisiana, 1864 Shreveport Issue.
Louisiana, 50 Cents, Issued scrip note. PMG graded Choice
Uncirculated 64 EPQ, rarely seen this nice. ................
Est $120-240
955 Vicksburg, Shreveport and Texas Railroad Co., 1862 Issued
Monroe, Louisiana, 1862, 50 cents, Issued Obsolete
Scrip or Banknote, S/N 8898, Back with light green undertint,
Standing allegorical Reaper on left, small trains top middle and right
side, pp B, Printed on the back of a $500 bond, Crisp AU with a tiny
ink burn on the lower right signature in one spot. Attractive and
scarce this nice...........................................................
Est $120-240
956 Fells Point Savings Institution of Baltimore, (ca.1840’s) Proof
Baltimore, Maryland, 18xx (ca. 1840-50’s). $10, (Haxby
Unlisted). Proof Banknote printed on india paper and mounted on
thin white card. Signing of the Declaration of Independence on
upper left withWashington on left and young woman on right. DSH-
SHD printer. The note is in fine condition with faults including large
tear on the right corner, a chip missing from the lower bottom mar-
gin and the upper left corner tip separated with small areas of glue
stains on the corners where mounted. Extremely rare Maryland
Proof banknote. Last seen in auction in 1992 where this note was
purchased in this condition for $196. (R.M.Smythe Public Auction
#104, 1992 Baltimore Auction, Lot #2150).................
Est $350-750
957 Peoples’ Bank Proprietary Proof Sheet of 4.
Maryland, Uncut sheet of 4 notes, 18xx (originally printed in 1850-
60, these are ca.1960-70’s), $10-$20-$50-$100, (MD-110-G8b; G10b;
G12b; G14b), Unlisted green under tint, the Haxby listed notes have
red-orange under tint, Unlisted Modern “Proprietary Proof”, The
$10 note has sailing ships on left, young girl in middle right, and with
cow and milk maid on LR; The $20 note has seated Liberty with
shield, spear and olive leaves on LL, cows, horse and train in middle,
blacksmith on LR; The $50 note has portrait of Washington on LR, 3
allegorical figures in middle and man sifting grain on LL; The $100
note has Franklin on LL, Young male and female farm workers hav-
ing a drink of water in middle and patriotic eagle on upper right,
Black printing with green underprint instead of issued orange-red
underprint on thin white card, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 63.
ABNC-WHW. (ABN Commemoratives, AIA XI, May 15,
Est $600-1200
958 Collins Iron Works, 1872 & 1873 Issue Mining Scrip Notes.
Marquette, Michigan, Lot of 2 notes, both with green seated Liberty
on left, Large numeral “5” in middle and green medallio on right,
back green. Includes October 1, 1872, $5 with orange undertint and
March 1, 1873, $5 with light undertint, obsolete notes, Fine to Fine+
condition with small edge faults, Scarce pair of Michigan Mining
related notes..............................................................
Est $200-400
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions