Archives International Auctions Part XIX including "The Tasmanian Devil Collection" - page 28

Archives InternationalAuctions,PartXIX
May20, 2014
Archives InternationalAuctions
146 Banco Central da Guinea-Bissau Specimen 1978-93 Issue
Guinea-Bissau,Lotof4Specimens, Includes
1978, 1000 Pesos, P-8s, Possible Color Trial; 1984, 5000 Pesos, P-9
Unlisted Specimen; 1993, 5000 Pesos, P-14 Unlisted as Specimen
and 1993, 10,000Pesos, P-15, UnlistedSpecimen. DeLaRue oval in
corners, numbered in lower left, punch hole canceled signatures.
Back right with glue residue from former mounting. ChoiceAU to
CU.TDLR. �������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
147 BanqueNationaleD’Haiti, 1875 IssueUncutBanknotePair.
1Gourde,P-70,Uncutverticalpair, Unissued,Blackon lightblueand
orange,The topnote isaChoiceVF toXFand thebottomnotewould
grade about the same but is missing the lower left corner. ABNC.
Rarelyseenuncut. ��������������������������������������������������������������Est.
148 Banque Nationale De La Republique D’Haiti, 1925-32 Second
Issue Specimen Pair.
Haiti, ND (ca.1925-32), Lot of 2 Specimen
banknotes, Includes 1, P-160s and 2 Gourdes, P-161s, both l are
Second Issues (ca.1925-32). Both with “Specimen” overprints,
“00000” serial numbers andPOC’s. Both arePMGgradedGemUn-
circulated 66 EPQ, Extremely attractive matched banknote pair.
ABNC. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
149 BanqueNationaleDeLaRepubliqueD’Haiti, 1935-42Third Issue
Both are third Issue (ca.1935-42). Includes 1 Gourde, P-167s; 2
Gourdes, P-168s, both with “Specimen” overprints, “00000” serial
numbers and POC’s. Both are PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 66
EPQ,ABNC.Scarcepairofnotes. ����������������������������������������Est.
150 BanqueDeLARepubliqueD’Haiti,1988UnifaceCompoundProof
Sheetof 4Notes.
Haiti, Lot of 4banknoteson1 sheet,Series 1988,
500Gourdes, P-252Unlisted, vertical pair at left and 250Gourdes,
P-251 Unlisted, vertical pair at right, with a 3 inch gutter between
them, only the face is printed, no backs, printed on planchetted
banknote paper, each note is inChoice toGemUncirculated. Inter-
esting and intriguing banknote arrangement that requires further
research.ABNC. ��������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
151 BancoAtlantida, 1913 LowSerial Number “2” Issued Banknote.
Honduras, 1 Peso, P-S111a, Issued banknote, S/NA 000002, hand
signed, PMG graded Fine 12 NET with note of edge and internal
damagewithminor rust spots, still extremely rare lowserial number
banknote.ABNC. ��������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
I...,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27 29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,...107