Archives InternationalAuctions,PartXIX
May20, 2014
Archives InternationalAuctions
94 BancoNacional DeCuba, 1960 Essay Banknote ProductionMa-
Cuba and Philadelphia, PA, 1960. P-Unlisted. Photo Proof
UnissuedEssayDesigns for 1Pesoand5Pesosnotes for 1960 series
that was proposed by Security Bank Note Company in their futile
attempt to compete againstTDLR. Included is an uncut sheet of 4
PhotoProofs of the fronts and backs of the notes that are close to
banknote size proposed by SBNC, also included are photos of the
portraitsofCastroand “Che”usedon thenotesaswell as thedesign
for thebacks taken fromanearlierCubanstampproducedbySBNC.
Also included isa4pagehistoric letterdescribing thebanknotespe-
cificsaswellasdirectionsonhowthenotesshould lookaswellasthe
original file the itemswere kept in.Unique productionfile of a pro-
posed 1960Cuban banknote issue that was never printed. SCBNC.
Choicehistoricgroup. �����������������������������������������������������Est.
95 Narodna Banka Ceskoslovenska, 1929 Issue.
Lot of 3 Notes including 1929 Issue Specimen. Includes 1929 500
Korunwith “SlovenskyStat” in blue, also includes a 1939 and 1940
issue. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
96 Republic Czechoslovakia & Slovenska Narodna Banka 1940-45
Czechoslovakia. Lot of 8 Specimen Notes.
Includes1940to45 issues,mostlyAUtoCU,allwithpunchSpecimen
overprints, attractiveassortment. ����������������������������������������Est.
97 Republic of Czechoslovakia & Czechoslovak National or State
Bank Issue Assortment.
Czechoslovakia, Lot of 16 notes dating
from1919 to1953,Highlights includeABN Issues, 1920, 5000Korun,
Specimen, AU; 1932, 1000 Korun; 1929, 500 Korun with Slovensky
Statoverprint;1919 Issues (4);1927 Issues (3)andnumerousother is-
sues,conditionvaries fromVGtoAUcondition.Someslightlyscarcer
issues included. �������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
98 Republic of Czechoslovakia & Czechoslovak National or State
Bank Issue Assortment.
Czechoslovakia, Lot of 47 notes dating
from1919 to1960,Highlights include1926 to1934 issues,20,50and
100 Korun notes; 1944 issues to 500 Korun in issued and specimen
format (12); 1945-46ND Issues from5Korun to1000Korun;andvar-
ious1948 to1960 issuebanknote. MostlyFinewithgradesbetween,
VG toUnc.,Nothing rarebutuseful group. , ����������������������Est.
99 RepublikaCeskoslovenska, 1920 IssueBanknote.
100 Korun, P-17a, Issued Banknote, Green onm/c, Arms inmiddle,
Pagan priestess at right, back green, Choice Fine toVF condition.
ABNC.Veryattractivenote. ������������������������������������������������Est.
DanishWest Indies
100 D.W.I., StateTreasury, Lawof 4.4.1849& 1898Remainder.
ishWest Indies, L. 1849& 1898, 2Dalere, P-8r, Remainder, Blackon
lightbrown,MercuryandZeuson leftand rightborder,PMGgraded
ChoiceUncirculated64, S/N 7762, attractivenote from aCaribbean
U.S.Territory.Rarelyseen thisnice.�����������������������������������Est.