Archives InternationalAuctions,PartXIX
May20, 2014
Archives InternationalAuctions
192 Bank ofMauritius, 1998 “Error” IssueSet of 5Notes.`
Lotof5notes,Allare“Errors” from thesameset thatwaswithdrawn
due to the arrangement of the denomination languages, the note
should have been printed with English on top, Sanskrit / Tamil in-
stead of the correct order of English / Tamil / Sanskrit. Includes 25
Rupees to500Rupees, P-42 toP-46 (Missing the1000and2000Ru-
pees, all are inChoice togemUncirculatedCondition. ��������Est.
193 Government of Mauritius, 1924 Issue Banknote.
Mauritius, 1st
July,1924,5Rupees,P-16, Issuedbanknote,Arms topcenteron light
greenish brown paper, S/NC 065219, Choice Fine toVFwith 2 very
smallholes incenter fromwearwhen folded,Rarenote inanycondi-
tion. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
194 Handelskammer desMemelgebiets,Chamber ofCommerce,Ter-
ritory of Memel, 1922 Issue Banknote.
Memel (Klaipeda, Lithua-
nia), 50Mark, 1922,XF toAU,Attractivenote.���������������������Est.
195 Cuerpo De Ejercito Del Noroeste, Constitutionalist Army of the
Northwest, May 1st, 1914, Issue.
Mexico, 5 Pesos, P-S996, MI-
Sin-8, Issuedbanknote,nooverprint,GoodtoVGwithreinforcement
onback,Scarcenote inanycondition.�����������������������������������Est.
196 Bono De Caja, El Banco Comercial Refaccionario De Chihua-
hua 1907 Specimen Circulating Bond.
Chihuahua, Mexico. ND
(ca.1907), Ser. B. 500 Pesos, P-Unlisted, Specimen Bono De Caja
banknote. Black and redon light brown undertintwith reclining al-
legorical woman with steamship at dock and train, back is brown.
There is a single coupon for $12.50 on the right border with dates
from 1907 to 1918. Red specimen overprint, POC and “00000” se-
rial numbers. The text has a blank space for the interest amount.
ChoiceVF due to archival handling as well as staining in themid-
dle of the note, ABNC. Rare “Bono De Caja” circulating bond
banknote. �������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
197 Bono De Caja, El Banco Central Mexicano, 1899 Specimen
Mexico, Ser. B. 500 Pesos, P-Unlisted, SpecimenBono
De Caja banknote. The text has a blank space for the interest
amount. Black on light brown undertint with Locomotive passing
underSignal towers,back isbrownandhasdenomination.Redspec-
stampeddateof “Oct 1899” on top left of back.Uncirculated toCU
condition.ABNC.Rarebanknote. ������������������������������������ Est.
198 Bono De Caja, El Banco Central Mexicano, 1899 Specimen
Mexico, Ser. C. 1000 Pesos, P-Unlisted, Specimen
BonoDeCaja banknote.The text has a blank space for the interest
amount. Black on light orange-red undertint with allegorical wom-
anwith shield, ships in thebackground, back is orange-red andhas
denomination. There are 4 $25 coupons attached to the right bor-
der. Red specimenoverprint, POCandblue “00000” serial numbers.
notoffered thevarietywithcouponspreviously. �������������Est.