Archives InternationalAuctions,PartXIX
May20, 2014
Archives InternationalAuctions
172 BankMelli, ND (1944) Sequential HighGrade Pair.
Iran, Lot of 2
sequential notes, 5 Rials, P-39, Issued banknote, S/N’s 297221 &
297222, BotharePMGgraded GemUncirculated65EPQ.Verynice
173 Kingdomof Iran - BankMelli Iran.
Iran. Lot of 6notes. ND (1944).
IncludesP-39, 5Rials, Fine+;P-40, 10Rials, Fine;P-41, 20Rials, Fine-
Fine+; P-42, 50Rials,VG+ to Fine; P-44, 100Rials,VGwith holes in
middle from strong folds and edge faults; P-45, 500 Rials, VGwith
glue remnants from previous mounting that possibly could be re-
movedandsmall hole inmiddle from folds.Attractivegroupofearly
Irannotes. �������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
174 BankMelli Iran, (1951) IssueBanknoteAssortment
Iran, lotof5 is-
suednotes, includes10Rials, (1948),P-47,VF; 20Rials, (1948),P-48,
VF; 50Rials, (1948), P-49,VF; 100Rials, (1948), P-50,VF; and200Ri-
als, (1948),P-51,VF.�������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Ireland -Republic
175 Central Bank of Ireland, 1962-63 IssueBanknoteHighGradeSe-
quential Pair.
Ireland, Lotof 2notes,Bothare sequential anddated
6-6-68, 10Shillings, P-63a LTN47, Issued sequential banknote pair,
Orangeonm/c, LadyLaveryon left,S/N’s89P903674&89P903675,
One is PMG gradedSuperbGemUncirculated 67 EPQ and the sec-
ondGemUncirculated66EPQ, only6notesgradedat this level and
oneat68, thiswill bealmost impossible to improveupon. �Est.
176 Banco Di Napoli, 1908 Issue Banknote.
Italian States, 100 Lire,
P-S857, Issuedbanknote, Portrait ofTasso at left, S/NFU01809,VF
toChoiceVFwith 2 small pin holes near the leftmargin and a very
small stainon the lower right back, very attractivenotewithbright
colors, relativelysharpcornersandnoedge faults. �������������Est.
177 Banco Di Napoli, 1914 Issue Banknote.
Italian States, 100 Lire,
P-S857, Issued banknote, Portrait of Tasso at left, S/NM-Z 01071,
Choice VF with a small 1mm x 3mm nibble out of the top right
margin, very attractive note with bright colors and firm paper
body. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.