Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
87 Republic of Panama, 1926 Specimen BondPanama. $500 Specimen
6 1/2% External Secured Sinking Fund Gold Bond. Black print with
an ornate orange border and under tint. Image at top of two females
looking out into the distance together, with a beautiful view behind
them. VF-XF condition. HBNC. ���������������������������������������������������Est.
88 Republic of Panama, Specimen Bond, ca. 1920-40.Panama, $1000,
5% Secured Sinking Fund 30 Year Gold Specimen Bond, Vertical format,
Two allegorical women sitting on globe top center, POC’s, VF condition,
ABNC. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
89 Elizalde &Company Inc. 1938. Specimen Bond.Manila, Philippines.
1938. 1000 Pesos 6% Specimen Bond with coupons attached. Black print
with blue border and underprint. Vignette of building on waterway top
center. POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints. VF condition with minor
splitting. FLABNC. Rare specimen bond.�������������������������������������Est.
Puerto Rico
Extremely rare Spanish Puerto Rican
Specimen Bond one year before the U.S.
invaded it and took it over in 1898.
90 Deuda De La Capital De Puerto Rico, 1897 Specimen Bond.San
Juan, Puerto Rico, 1897. 100 Pesos, Specimen 7% Coupon Bond, black
on green border and underprint, seated allegorical woman with water
jug, coupons on left and right with large counterfoil at top, It mentions
Banco Espanol de Puerto Rico at bottom, VF with archival reinforcing at
top otherwise a lovely and rare bond. ABNC. ���������������������������Est.
91 Puerto Rican Cement Co., Inc., ND (ca.1960’s) Proof Stock Certificate.Puerto Rico. Odd Shares, Proof Stock certificate, Printed
on light beige paper uniface, blank back, guide notches on each side,
Black on chartreuse border, allegorical men on middle, VF-XF, SC-
92 Puerto Rican Cement Co., Inc., ND (ca.1960’s) Specimen Stock Certificate.Puerto Rico. 100 Shares, Proof Stock certificate, Black on
blue border, allegorical men on middle, VF-XF, SC-USBNC��������Est.