Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
64 Compagnie Des Chemins De Fer De Paris A Lyon Et A La Mediterranee, 1922 Specimen BondFrance. $1000 Specimen 6%
External Sinking Fund Gold Coupon Bond, Black print on blue border
and under tint, Image of allegorical female flying between two oncoming
locomotives at top, Specimen overprints, POC’s, Fine-VF condition with
splitting along fold lines, ABNC. Unlisted Railroad on Cox���������Est.
65 Compagnie Des Chemins De Fer De Paris A Lyon Et A La Mediterranee, 1922 Specimen BondFrance. $500 Specimen 6%
External Sinking Fund Gold Coupon Bond, Black print on orange
border and under tint, Image of allegorical female flying between two
oncoming locomotives at top, Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF-XF
condition, ABNC. Unlisted Railroad on Cox��������������������������������Est.
66 Compagnie Des Chemins De Fer De Paris A Lyon Et A La Mediterranee, 1924 Specimen BondFrance. $500 Specimen 7%
External Sinking Fund Gold Coupon Bond, Black print on brown border
and under tint, Image of two allegorical females standing together at top,
Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC. Unlisted Railroad
on Cox, only 2 known of, unique piece. ���������������������������������������Est.
67 ConversionOffice for German Foreign Debts, 1936 BondGermany.
$1000 3% Dollar Coupon Bond. Black print with an orange border and
under tint. Vignette at top of peasant farmers sitting in a field, at top.
Fine-VF condition with 3 coupons remaining. Reichsdruckerei-Berlin
68 Hungarian Government, 1892-1902, Group of 21 Government Debt Bearing BondsHungary, group of government debt 4% interest
bearing bonds, includes 100 Koronas (1); 200 Koronas (9); 500 Koronas
(3); 1000 Koronas (6); and 10000 Koronas (2). Fine to VF. �������������Est.
Imperial China
69 Imperial Chinese Government 1911 Issued BondImperial China.
£100 Issued and Uncanceled 5% Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold
Coupon Loan. Black print with an ornate ombre red orange border.
Image of a locomotive at top of certificate. VF-XF condition. ����Est.