Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
70 Imperial Chinese Government 1911 Issued BondImperial China.
£20 Issued and Uncanceled 5% Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold
Coupon Loan. Black print with a large and ornate green border. Image
of a locomotive at top of certificate. VF-XF condition. �����������������Est.
71 Royal Italian Opera Covent Garden LTD., ca.1880-1890 Specimen StockItaly. Odd Shares Common Stock Specimen Certificate. Black
print with no under print. Image at top of three allegorical figures sitting
together, and beautiful scroll work at left side. Pin punched canceled. VF
condition. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
72 BancoAgricola Hipotecario de Mexico, S.A., 1907 Specimen BondMexico. 1000 Pesos Specimen 5% Coupon Bond, Black print on blue
border and under tint, Image of allegorical female figure at top, Printed
in English and Spanish, Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF-XF condition,
73 Banco Agricola Hipotecario de Mexico, S.A., 1907 Specimen BondMexico. 500 Pesos Specimen 5% Coupon Bond, Black print on
red/brown border and under tint, Image of allegorical female figure at
top, Printed in English and Spanish, Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF-XF
condition, ABNC.��������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
74 Banco Central Mexicano, 1908 I/U Stock-Bond.Mexico, January 2,
1908, 100 Pesos = 1 Accion, Ser.A, 34 coupons attached, Uncancelled,
Attractive speculative Mexican certificate.������������������������������������Est.
75 Banco Internacional e Hipotecario De Mexico, 1907 Specimen bond.Mexico, ND (1907). 1000 Pesos. Black border on blue undertint.
Vignette of seated justice with arms of Mexico under ornate title.
Coupons attached. Red specimen overprint. XF condition. ABNC. Rare