Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1571 Bank of Japan, ND (1945) Specimen Banknote.Japan, 200 Yen,
P-44s3, SB163s3j, Specimen overprint, Red Mi-hon overprint, Regular
S/N 435888, Block 36, PMG graded About Uncirculated 55, Rare note in
any form.�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1572 Bank of Japan, ND (1946) Issue Specimen Banknote.Japan, 100
Yen, P-89s2, Specimen banknote, S/N 296273 Block 1312, Overprint Red
Mi-Hon twice on face and back, 4 POC’s, Uncirculated to CU condition.
Scarce and attractive note. ������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1573 Bank of Japan, ND (1946) Issue Specimen Banknote.Japan, 100
Yen, P-89s2, Specimen banknote, S/N 296287 Block 1312, Overprint
Red Mi-Hon twice on face and back, 4 POC’s, PMG graded Choice
Uncirculated 64 EPQ. �������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1574Kokitte, Foreign Merchant ca.1880-1890’s, Private Banknote.Japan, 1 Yen, purple with red seal on English side with small Japanese
text in middle, back with black text on light purple, S/N 151, Extremely
rare 19th century Foreign Merchant Scrip. Notice the misspelling of
“One”. Choice Fine with a rough left edge. ���������������������������������Est.
1575 Wu Navy Factory, ca.1900-1920 Private Scrip Note.Japan, 20 Yen
(Yuan), P-Unlisted, black on gold-brown underprint, back purple, XF.
Scarce early Japanese Military related note. ���������������������������������Est.
1576Allied Military Currency ND (1945) “B” issued note.Japan 20 Yen,
P-73, PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ. Gorgeous note.��Est.
1577 Allied Military Currency, ND (1946) “A” in under print Note.Japan, 20 yen, P-72, Issued, Black on light blue under print, back brown,
S/N A00898031 A, “A” in under print, Series 100, PMG graded Choice
Uncirculated 64 EPQ with the centering slightly off, otherwise it would
have grade Gem Uncirculated. Scarce note in any condition. Tied with
one other note as the finest known out of 17 graded. �����������������Est.