Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1585 1584Japan, Empire, 1870, Almost Uncirculated Silver 50 SenJapan, 50
Sen, Meiji Yr. 3, Y# 4, graded by NGC AU Details with a comment of
“Surface Hairlines”. Scarce this nice. ��������������������������������������������Est.
1585Japan, Empire, 1870, Almost Uncirculated Silver YenJapan, Yen,
Meiji Yr. 3, Y# 5.1, Type I, graded by NGC AU Details with a comment
of “Excessive Surface Hairlines” but under graded in our opinion. Scarce
this nice. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1586 1587
1586Japan, Empire, 1870, Uncirculated Silver 10 SenJapan, 10 Sen, Meiji
Yr. 3, Y# 2, graded by NGC UNC Details with a comment of “Surface
Hairlines”. Deep scales variety. Scarce this nice. ��������������������������Est.
1587Japan, Empire, 1870, Uncirculated Silver 5 SenJapan, 5 Sen, Meiji
Yr. 3, Y# 1, graded by NGC MS 62. Shallow scales variety. Rare this
nice. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1589 1588Japan, Empire, 1871, Almost Uncirculated Silver 20 SenJapan, 20
Sen, Meiji Yr. 4, Y# 3, graded by NGC AU 58. Scarce this nice. ��Est.
1589Japan, Empire, 1871, High Grade Silver 50 SenJapan, 50 Sen, Meiji
Yr. 4, Y# 4a.1, graded by NGC XF Details with a comment of “Surface
Hairlines”. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1591 1590Japan, Empire, 1871, Uncirculated Silver 5 SenJapan, 5 Sen, Meiji
Yr. 4, Y# 6.1, graded by NGC MS 61. This variety has 53 rays. Rare this
nice. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1591Japan, Empire, 1873, Uncirculated Silver 5 SenJapan, 5 Sen, Meiji
Yr. 6, Y# 22, variety with characters separated, graded by NGC UNC
Details with a comment of “Surface Hairlines”. Shallow scales variety.
1593 1592Japan, Empire, 1875, Almost Uncirculated Silver Trade DollarJapan, Trade Dollar, Meiji Yr. 8, Y# 14, graded by NGC AU Details with
a comment of “Surface Hairlines”. Rare this nice.�������������������Est.
1593Japan, Empire, 1877, Uncirculated Copper SenJapan, 1 Sen, Meiji
Yr. 10, Y# 17.1, graded by NGC MS 63 BN. ���������������������������������Est.
1595 1594Japan, Empire, 1880, Almost Uncirculated Silver YenJapan, 1 Yen,
Meiji Yr. 13, Y# 25.2, graded by NGC AU Details with a comment of
“Surface Hairlines”, still a very tough grade for this type. �����������Est.
1595Japan, Empire, 1882, Almost Uncirculated Copper 2 SenJapan, 2
Sen, Meiji Yr. 15, Y# 18.2, graded by NGC AU 58 BN. ������������������Est.