Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comEPHEMERA - MILITARY
1619World War II Propaganda Leaflets in Burmese, ca. 1940s-1950s, Group of 6Burma, group of 6 different leaflets, most with a few
colorful images and symbols but some predominantly text in Burmese,
on yellowish paper. The American flag, a photo of Roosevelt, bombs,
airplanes, and soldiers in various settings, are among the imagery seen.
The most colorful of the lot is actually a bifold safe conduct pass in red
and blue on off-white paper. All generally Very Fine or better. Please
inspect. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
China, Korea
1620Korean War Propaganda “Free World Weekly Digest”, 1953, w/ ReportKorea, 1953, original news sheet in Chinese, with photographs
and cartoon strip. Image of UN Sabre-jets hunting MIGs over Korea.
Topics include communist purges after Stalin’s death, war news
summary, Arbor Day in China, Russian envoy to Red China, etc. Excellent
condition. Stapled to report sheet prepared by the Headquarters of the
1st Radio Broadcasting & Leaflet Group, 8239th Army Unit. Fascinating
historical item. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1621Korean War Propaganda Leaflets Addressing Negro Soldiers, ca. 1950sKorea, two leaflets, one black on yellowish paper, the other blue
on white paper, both entirely in English, addressing American soldiers
and urging them to go back to the United States and fight for their civil
rights. “Negro soldiers! You’ve got a fight on your hands at home. Don’t
come fighting colored people out here!”, one leaflet reads. The second
leaflet contains 6 pages of text, recounting some atrocities committed by
the Ku Klux Klan and others against black individuals, urging them to
fight for their rights at home instead of in Kore. “No U.S. soldiers have
any business in Korea. Korea for the Koreans. China for the Chinese.
America for Americans, Negro and white,” the second pamphlet reads.
Excellent overall condition, VF-XF.�����������������������������������������������Est.
1622Korean War Safe Conduct Pass, ca. 1950sKorea, black and red on
yellowish paper, mostly Chinese but also in English “Safe Conduct. The
soldier who shows this has ceased resistance. He is to be given the food
and medical attention he needs and is to be well looked after. ����Est.
China, Korea, Russia
1623KoreanWar PropagandaLeaflet, 1953,w/ Report, “Chinese Family Dissension”Korea, 1953, original news sheet in Chinese, targeting CCF
in Korea, with an illustration showing Chinese mother, father, and son.
Also an illustration of a Russian officer forcing young Chinese woman
toward repulsive Chinese communist. Slogans (translated) read “Russian
reforms wreck Chinese homes!” and “Don’t fight Russia’s war! Stay safe
to free China from Russian domination!”, “This is a UN message to the
CCF. Post it for them to see.”, and more. Excellent condition. Stapled to
report sheet prepared by the Headquarters of the 1st Radio Broadcasting
& Leaflet Group, 8239th Army Unit. Fascinating historical item.Est.