Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1144Honan ProvinceTreasury, 1920’s No Date Provisional Issue.China,
1 Yuan, P-S3855 (Overprint on P-S2985) (S/M#H60-1), Issued banknote,
Large red overprint on face, green with portrait of man at center, back
red and blue, S/N 1959905, Uncirculated to CU condition, scarce note in
high grade with only 8 graded total by PMG. One of 3 attractive copies
offered in this auction and the first of 2 sequential notes. Only priced in
XF in SCWPM. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2) ����������������Est.
1145Honan ProvinceTreasury, 1920’s No Date Provisional Issue.China,
1 Yuan, P-S3855 (Overprint on P-S2985) (S/M#H60-1), Issued banknote,
Large red overprint on face, green with portrait of man at center, back
red and blue, S/N 1959906, Uncirculated to CU condition, scarce note in
high grade with only 8 graded total by PMG. One of 3 attractive copies
offered in this auction and the first of 2 sequential notes. Only priced in
XF in SCWPM. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2) ����������������Est.
1146Hopei Banknote Assortment, ca.1929 to 1938.Hopei, China. Lot
of 5 notes, Includes 3 from Hopei Metropolitan Bank, 1936, 10 Coppers,
P-S1710D S/M#H63-20, VF; 1938, 4 Coppers, P-S1710J, Uncirculated
and 6 Coppers, P-S1710K, Fine to Choice Fine; Bank of Hopei pair, 1929,
10 cents, P-S1711d, Tientsin issue, Choice VG to Fine and 1934, 1 Yuan,
P-S1729, VF. (5). ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1147Hsing Yeh Bank of Jehol, 1923 Issue Banknote.China, Chaoy
Angfu Branch, Cheng Tehfu Branch, 10 Yuan, P-S2185a, VF, scarce.
BEPP. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1148Hsing Yeh Bank of Jehol, 1923 Issue Pair.China, Lot of 2 notes,
Includes Chaoy Angfu Branch, 5 Yuan, P-S2184c, VF and Cheng Tehfu
Branch, 10 Yuan, P-S2185a, VF, Very attractive and scarce pair. BEPP.
1149Hsing Yeh Bank of Jehol, 1923 Unlisted Branch Name “Chengtehfu” Issue Banknote.Chengtehfu, China. 5 Yuan, P-S2184
Unlisted, S/M#J1-61?, Green, Great wall at center, back green, S/N
0270442, PMG graded Very Fine 30, Rare note with previously unknown
branch variety. BEPP. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2) ������Est.