Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1133 Bank of Kiangsi, 1916 Dollar Issue.Kiangsi, China. 1916, $5 Exchange
Coupon, P-S1101, (S/M #C102-11), Issued banknote, green and orange,
pavilion on left and tower at right, back with village along shoreline in red
and blue with red seal on right, S/N 216659, Choice AU to Uncirculated
with an extremely light corner tip fold far from the design, otherwise
it appears CU, Very clean and remarkably fresh. Beautiful, sharp, vivid
colors, in a quality which is rarely encountered. �������������������������Est.
1134Bank of Kiangsi. 1916 Dollar Issue Pair.China. Lot of 2 notes,
Includes $5, P-S1101 S/M#C102-11, Green and orange, AU condition
with a stain on the lower right; and $10, P-S1102 S/M#C102-12, VG to
almost Fine. Scarce banknote pair. �����������������������������������������������Est.
1135 Bank of Kiangsi. 1916 Dollar Issue Pair.China. Lot of 2 notes,
Includes $5, P-S1101 S/M#C102-11, Green and orange, AU condition;
and $10, P-S1102 S/M#C102-12, VG to almost Fine. Scarce banknote
1136Bank of Kiangsi. 1916 Dollar Issue Pair.China. Lot of 2 notes,
Includes $5, P-S1101 S/M#C102-11, Green and orange, XF-AU condition;
and $10, P-S1102 S/M#C102-12, VG to almost Fine. Scarce banknote
1137 Bank of Shansi, Chahar and Hopei, 1938 and 1940 Issue Trio.China, Lot of 3 notes, Includes 10 cents, P-S3136, S/M#C168-1; 50 cents,
P-S3138, S/M#C168-3 and 20 Cents, P-S3151, S/M#C168-30, all are
Uncirculated to CU condition and only priced in XF in SCWPM. Scarce
high grade varieties. �����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.