Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1115 Russo-Chinese Bank, 1909 Issue Color Trial Specimen.China.
5 Mexican Dollars, P-S542cts Unlisted Color Trial, S/M#O5-41,
Specimen, Facing dragons at sides with bank building at bottom, Pin-
punch SPECIMEN at bottom middle, blank back, No serial numbers or
signatures, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated64, Uniface, no back, with
bright colors, sharp corners and a vivid and dramatic design that will
enhance the most advanced of collections. BW&C.��������������Est.
1116Sino-Scandinavian Bank, 1922 & 1925 Issue Trio.China, Lot of 3
notes, Includes 1922, Peking, 1 Yaun, P-S586 S/M#H192-1a, Issued, Fine
condition; 1922 “Peking” Provisional Issue Printed on P-S591 Tientsin
Branch Issue, 1 Yuan, P-S589 S/M#H192-1c, VF; and 1925, 10 cents,
“Tientsin”, P-S595, VF. BEPP. ������������������������������������������������������Est.
1117 Sino -Scandinavian Bank, 1922 “Peking” Branch Issue pair.China. Peking Branch. 5 Yuan, P-S587 and 10 Yuan, P-S588, both in VF
condition, BEPP. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2) �������������Est.
1118Sino -Scandinavian Bank, 1922 “Tientsin” Branch Issue Quartet.China. Tientsin Branch. 1, 5 (2) and10 Yuan, 1922. P-S591 (Choice Fine),
P-S592a (Choice Fine and Choice VF); and P-S593a (VF). 4 pieces, very
attractive and scarce assortment. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2)
1119Sino Scandinavian Bank, 1922, 1925 IssuesChina. Tientsin Branch.
1, 5, 10 Yuan, 1922. P-S591 (VF), S592a (XF-AU), S593a (VF); 20 Cents
(AU), P-596. 4 pieces, very attractive and scarce assortment. (ex-
Pogrebetsky Family Archives) ������������������������������������������������������Est.
1120Sino-Scandinavian Bank,1926 Unlisted “Yungchi” Provisional Issue.China, 1926. 1 Yuan, P-S596A (S/M #H192-Unlisted). Issued
banknote (Overprint on P-S585), Green face and back, bridge in middle,
S/N A0132152, PMG graded About Uncirculated 53, Overprinted
rosettes on “Peking” and “Suiyan”, rare note and very possibly
previously unlisted in SCWPM, there are only 4 graded in the PMG
census. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2) ����������������������������Est.