Archives International Auctions - Sale 37
December 6 & 13,2016
Archives International Auctions
367 Louisiana, Lot of 3 notes. Includes Baton Rouge, 1862,10 cents,
City of Baton Rouge, Issued banknote, VG to VG+ condition;
Shreveport, Louisiana, 1864, 50 cents, State of Louisiana, XF+
to AU, South Western Print; New Orleans, 1862, $3, G.W.Holt
Obsolete Scrip Note, Fine condition, Issued banknote, Attractive
scarce group.
368 Mechanics & Traders Bank, 1873 ABN Proposed Hand drawn model for Circulating Certificate of Deposit Banknote.New
Orleans, Louisiana, 1873 $-Odd, ABN Production department initial
design. The face and back are hand drawn in ink and pencil, Includes
the title on top with text for terms of payment on the face with the back
having an oval in middle with text as well as left and right with location
of denomination counter, Unique in archives. ABNC. VF condition. Not
very attractive but definitely historic. �������������������������������������������Est.
369 New Orleans and Louisiana Lot of Checks, Obsolete Banknotes and Exchanges ca.1837-1894New Orleans, Louisiana, Lot of 5
items, Includes 1894 Louisiana Grand Lottery Co. One Fifth Ticket;
James Robb, 1852 Second of Exchange, $2000, Printed by RWHE; 1852,
Banking House of Thos. H. Barker, Second of Exchange, payable in New
York; 1837 City of New Orleans, Municipality No. One, $100 Obsolete,
Washington on left, Eagle and woman on right, Man lassoing steer in
middle top, back green, VG with edge faults and small problems as well
as toning. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
370 Parish of Concordia. 1862 Issue Obsolete Banknote.Parish of
Concordia, Louisiana. 50 Cents, Black on pink underprint, Allegorical
woman at left, back green, AU to Choice AU condition. �������������Est.
371 Farmers and Planters Bank Baltimore, ca.1830’s Obsolete Proof.Baltimore, Maryland, 18xx (ca.1830’s), $1, Plate C, MD-65-UNL-1aP,
Unlisted in census, Proof banknote, Banknote printed in black on india
paper on thin white card, Allegorical seated woman watching sailing ship
with cornucopia with produce and shield with sunrise, right with young
woman standing in ornate numeral 1, left with portrait of young woman
facing left. PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ. Rawdon, Wright &
Hatch New York imprint. (Silver City Collection, Part 2) ����������Est.
372 Patapsco Savings Fund, Obsolete Banknote Trio.Baltimore, MD,
Lot of 3 different notes, includes 25cts; 50cts; and $1, all are issued and
spindle cancelled and in Choice AU to CU condition. Attractive group of
notes. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
373 United States Insurance Company of Baltimore Obsolete Look- Alike.Baltimore, MD, 1834. $2000 Certificate of Deposit for Insurance
Policy, Black with no underprint, Allegorical female trio on top with gray
counterfoils on left and right and dog sleeping on safe on bottom, Issued
and endorsed on back, Cha.Toppan & Co., Phil. VF condition. Attractive
and scarce early insurance related fiscal document.�����������������������Est.