Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXII
April 12, 2016
Archives International Auctions
1161City Government of Greater Shanghai. Rehabilitation Loan of1932.
China. 100 Dollar Coupon Bond. Issued. 22 coupons remain.
Large vertical format, coupon page at side. Very Fine. ����������������Est.
1162City Government of Greater Shanghai. Rehabilitation Loan of1932.
China. 1000 Dollars Coupon Bond. Issued. 22 coupons remain.
Large vertical format, coupons at side. Nice Very Fine.���������������Est.
1163Imperial ChineseGovernment 5%Hukuang Railways Gold Loan of1911.
China - Imperial 100 Pounds. Deutsch-Asiatische Bank. British and
German tax stamp. Coupons attached. 4 pieces.��������������������������Est.
1164Imperial ChineseGovernment 5%Hukuang Railways Gold Loan of1911.
China - Imperial 100 Pounds. Deutsch-Asiatische Bank. British and
German tax stamp. Coupons attached. 4 pieces.��������������������������Est.
1165Imperial Chinese Government 5% Hukuang Railways Gold Loan of 1911.China - Imperial. 20 Pounds. Deutsch-Asiatische Bank. With
additional British, German and Belgium tax stamps. With Bond Drawn
red stickers. Coupons attached. Fine. 5 pieces.�����������������������������Est.
1166Imperial Chinese Government 5% Hukuang Railways Gold Loan of 1911.China - Imperial. 20 Pounds. Deutsch-Asiatische Bank. With
additional French and German or Cancelled German tax stamps.
Coupons attached. Fine. 5 pieces.�������������������������������������������������Est.