Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXII
April 12,2016
Archives International Auctions
1144Chinese Government 5% Reorganization Gold Loan of 1913 Trio.Lot of 3 Bonds, All are China, 1913, 20 Pounds Sterling - 189.40 Rubles
and each is issued by one of 3 different banks, the Russo-Asiatic Bank,
the HK & Shanghai Banking Corp., or the Banque De L’Indochine. All
are Issued and uncancelled with coupons attached, Brown border and
underprint with allegorical Mercury sitting on power generator with
ships on top with rice harvesting on left and house on hill by shoreline
on right, written in 4 languages, Attractive bond, W&S. �������������Est.
1145Chinese Government 5% Reorganization Gold Loan of 1913.China, 1913, £100 Pounds Sterling - 947 Rubles, 100 Pounds. Deutsch-
Asiatische Bank. Issued and uncancelled, coupons attached, Blue border
and underprint with allegorical Mercury sitting on power generator with
ships on top with rice harvesting on left and house on hill by shoreline on
right, written in 4 languages, Attractive bond, W&S. ����������������Est.
1146Chinese Imperial Government 4-1/2% Gold Loan of 1898. Deutsche-Asiatische Bank.China, Imperial. 50 (3), 100 Pounds.
Orange or brown border. Coupons and tax stamps attached. Very Fine.
Rough edges. 4 pieces. ������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1147Chinese Imperial Government Honan Railway 5% Gold Loan of1905.
China - Imperial. 100 Pounds. Pekin Syndicate Ltd. British tax
stamp. Coupons attached. With loan extension hand stamp notice. Fine,
some with tape. 4 pieces. ��������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1148Chinese Imperial Government Honan Railway 5% Gold Loan of1905.
China - Imperial. 100 Pounds. Pekin Syndicate Ltd. British tax
stamp. Coupons attached. With loan extension hand stamp notice. Fine.
4 pieces. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.