Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXII
April 12,2016
Archives International Auctions
1155 Chinese Imperial Railway 5%Gold Loan. 1904. British andChinese Corporation, Ltd.China, Imperial. 100 Pounds, Red border, coupon
page. Rough edges. Very Fine. 5 pieces. ���������������������������������������Est.
1156Chinese Imperial Railway 5%Gold Loan. 1904. British andChinese Corporation, Ltd.China, Imperial. 100 Pounds, Red border, coupon
page. Rough edges. Very Fine. 5 pieces. ���������������������������������������Est.
1157 Chinese Imperial Railway 5% Gold Loan. Canton-Kowloon Railway. 1907. British and Chinese Corporation Ltd.China,
Imperial. 100 Pounds. Rose border. Coupons and tax stamps attached.
Very Fine. Rough edges, notations. 2 pieces.��������������������������������Est.
1158Chinese Imperial Railway 5% Gold Loan. Canton-Kowloon Railway. 1907. British and Chinese Corporation Ltd.China,
Imperial. 100 Pounds. Rose border. Coupons and tax stamps attached.
Very Fine. Rough edges, notations. 2 pieces.��������������������������������Est.
1159City Government of Greater Shanghai. Loan of 1934.China. 100
Dollar Coupon Bond. Issued. 13 coupons remain. Large vertical format,
coupon page at side. Very Fine. ����������������������������������������������������Est.
1160City Government of Greater Shanghai. Loan of 1934.China. 1000
Dollars Coupon Bond. Issued. 13 coupons remain. Large vertical format,
coupons at side. Nice Very Fine.���������������������������������������������������Est.