Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
185 Latvijas Bankas, 1928 Issue BanknoteTrio.Latvia, Lot of 3 notes, all
are 25 Latu, P-18a, issued, Black on yellow, K. Valdemars in center, ships
on left and right, condition varies between Choice Fine to VF, W&S.
186 Latvijas Bankas, 1928 Issue Banknote.Latvia, 25 Latu, P-18a, issued,
Black on yellow, K. Valdemars in center, ships on left and right, Choice
VF but appears XF with large even margins, bright colors and crisp firm
paper, W&S.����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
187 Latvijas Bankas, 1928 Issue Banknote.Latvia, 25 Latu, P-18a, issued,
Black on yellow, K. Valdemars in center, ships on left and right, VF, W&S.
188 Latvijas Bankas, 1934 Issue Banknote.Latvia, 50 Latu, P-20a, issued,
Blue on m/c, Prime Minister K. Ulmanis at right, VF, TDLR. ������� Est.
189 Bank of Lithuania, 1922 to 1930 Banknote Quintet.Lithuania, Lot
of 5 notes, Includes 1922, 10 Centu, P-10a, AU; 1922, 1 Litas, P-13a, Fine
with small tape repair on right margin; 1928, 50 Litu, P-24a, VF; 1928,
100 Litu, P-25a, Fine; and 1930, 20 Litu, P-27a, Choice Fine to VF with
a small tape remnant on upper right corner, bright colors. Attractive
banknote assortment. �������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
190 Food Coupons, 1992-93.Lithuania. Food Coupons, 4 on each sheet.
Choice Uncirculated. 32 sheets of 4.�����������������������������������������������Est.
191 Lietuvos Bankas, 1922 Issue Banknote.Lithuania, 1 Litas, P-13a,
Issued, Red-brown on gray, Fine to Choice Fine condition. Scarce note.