Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
166 Reserve Bank and Government of India issues.India. 1, 5, 10
Rupees. George VI and Republic issues. P-18a; 39a, c; 40a; 60g; 75f; 77a,
p, t. Some Fine with tone, others EF or better. All with staple holes. 9
pieces ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
167 Reserve Bank of India, 2009 Serial #1 to #10 Sequential Group of 10 notes.India, Lot of 10 notes, All sequential 50 Rupees notes, S/N
3BA 000001 to 000010. All in Choice to Gem Uncirculated condition.
Attractive low number set.������������������������������������������������������������Est.
168 RepublikIndonesiaUnlisted1948IssueEssaySpecimenBanknote.Indonesia, September 1, 1948, 5 Rupiah, Series 1-A, P-Unlisted 5a, Essay
specimen banknote of a Security BNC proposed and never issued
1948 Indonesia banknote Series. Black without underprint, Portrait of
Sukarno, back gray-green with man plowing with oxen with mountains
in background, Choice AU to Uncirculated with toning on right face,
Red specimen overprint, POC and “00000” serial numbers. Evidently
Indonesia did not accept this Security Banknote Company issue. POC.
Ionian Islands
169 Biglietto a Corso Legale per le Isole Jonie. 1941 ND Issue.Ionian
Islands. 50, 100, 500, 1000 Drachmai. P-M14, M15, M16a, M17a. Nice
WWII issue group from the Italian Occupation. First two and last are
Choice Uncirculated with bold watermarks; the 500 is Very Fine with
paper tone. 4 pieces.����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
170 Bank Melli Iran, 1951 and 1953 Banknote Issues.Iran. Lot of 5
notes, Includes SH 1330 (1951) 200 Rials, P-58, Choice AU but appears
CU; SH 1332 (1953), 10 Rials, P-59 Unc to CU with fancy serial number;
20 Rials, P-60 Unc to CU; 50 Rials, P-61 Unc to CU and 100 Rials, P-62
AU. Attractive group with large even margins, bright colors, strong
embossing and attractive appearance. �����������������������������������������Est.
171 Bank Melli, ND (1944) Sequential High Grade Pair.Iran, Lot of 2
sequential notes, 5 Rials, P-39, Issued banknote, S/N’s 297221 & 297222,
Both are PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ. Very nice matching
pair of banknotes. �������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
172 Kingdom of Iran - Bank Melli Iran.Iran. Lot of 6 notes. ND (1944).
Includes P-39, 5 Rials, Fine+; P-40, 10 Rials, Fine; P-41, 20 Rials, Fine-
Fine+; P-42, 50 Rials, VG+ to Fine; P-44, 100 Rials, VG with holes in
middle from strong folds and edge faults; P-45, 500 Rials, VG with glue
remnants from previous mounting that possibly could be removed and
small hole in middle from folds. Attractive group of early Iran notes.