Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
158 Bank of Guyana. 1986 ND Issues. Specimens.Guyana. 1, 5, 10
Dollars. P-21fs; 22es; 23ds. Not listed as such in the SCWPM. Ink
notations with printer order number and No Change notation in top
margins. Red SPECIMEN overprint on all. Choice Uncirculated. 3
159 Bank of Guyana. 1986 ND Issues. Specimens.Guyana. 1, 5, 10, 20
Dollars. P-21es, 22ds, 23cs, 24cs. Not listed as such in the SCWPM. Ink
notations with order number at top right margin. Choice Uncirculated.
4 pieces. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Hong Kong
160 Chartered Bank, ND (ca.1975) Issued Banknote.Hongkong, $500,
P-72c, Issued banknote, brown on m/c underprint, man on left, arms
middle, back brown with sampan, 4 serial numbers on back, VF to
Choice VF, Attractive note, TDLR. ����������������������������������������������Est.
161 Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, 1929 IssuedBanknote.
Hongkong, January 1st, 1929, $10, P-174b, Issued Green on
m/c, back green, Hand written signature on left, Fine to Choice Fine
condition with a strong vertical fold. �������������������������������������������Est.
162 Austro-Hungarian Bank. 1918 Issue.Hungary. 25, 200 Korona. P-12
(2); 15. First to are VF to EF; The last VF with some light paper loss at
top and on back. 3 pieces. ���������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
163 Notgeld selection.Hungary. Mostly Very Fine to Uncirculated.
Selection of 8 pieces.�����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
164 Russian Occupation, 1944 Military Issue.Hungary. 10, 20, 100,
1000 Pengo. P-M5; M6b, M8, M9. First a Nice VF others are Choice
Uncirculated, the last with some paper tone. 4 pieces. ������������������Est.
165 Landsbanki Islands. Law of 1928 Issue.Iceland. 100 Kronur. P-35s.
Sigurdsson at left. Blue on m/c. Signature 9 (1943-1957). Perforated
SPECIMEN. Production notations at top margin with 15.3.46 date
and 12345 printed control number. Choice AU to Uncirculated.