Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 11, 2015
Archives International Auctions
416 Turkestan District, Government Bank, 1918 Provisional Credit Notes Issue.Russia, Lot of 3 notes, Includes 1000 Rubles, P-S1172,
VF toChoiceVF and 1000 Rubles (2), P-S1173,VF toXF, Attractive and
scarce issues. ����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
417 Turkestan District, Government Bank, Tashkent, 1918 Exchange Currency Tokens Issue.Russia, Lot of 2 notes, Both are 10 Rubles,
P-S1154, one ChoiceVF and the second AU. ��������������������������Est.
418 Turkestan District, Private Scrip Notes, 1922 Payment CouponsIssue.
Russia, Lot of 4 notes, all unlisted in SCWPM, Includes 5000
Rubles; 10,000 Rubles; 25,000 Rubles and 50,000 Rubles, all in
different colors, Choice XF toAU and all with light hinge remnants on
back from previous mounting that can be removed. Attractive and
rare private issues. �������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
Russia - Siberia & Urals.
419 Provisional Siberian Administration and other items.Russia -
Siberia & Urals. Includes SCWPM #S816, S817, S826, S827, S828 (7,
some with hinges); S860, S864, S870. S899. Plus 4 coupons. Some
with paper loss. Some Very Good-Fine, others Very Fine. 19 pieces.
Russia - Siberia and Urals
420 Government Bank, Orenburg 1917 & 1918 Currency Tokens IssueAssortment.
Russia, Lot 120of 7 notes, Includes 5 examples of 1917,
100 Rubles, P-S978, almost good with faults to VG; 1918, 3 Rubles,
P-S980 and 500 Rubles, P-S983, good to fine with repairs and
reinforcement on the back of the 500 Rubles.����������������������Est.
421 Government of Central Siberia, 1918 Issue and Krasnoyarsk Territory, 1919 Exchange Checks Issue Assortment.Russia, Lot
of 5 Notes, Includes 5 Rubles, P-S961a (1) and P-S961b (3), All in VG
to Choice VF to XF, Attractive series and 1919, 10 Rubles, P-S969,
ChoiceVF to XF. Scarce note. ����������������������������������������������Est.
422 Siberia &Urals BanknoteAssortment, ca. 1917 to 1919.Russia, Lot
of 16 notes, Includes Siberian Provisional Administration (First and
Second) Issues; 5% Government Debenture Obligations, 1919 5000
Rubles and Committee Savings Loan Notes Issues plus additional
coupons used as small change from this issue, condition mixed but
generally good to XF.�����������������������������������������������������������Est.
Russia - South Russia
423 Government Bank, 1919 Currency Tokens Issue Assortment.Russia, Lot of 6 Notes, Includes 100 Rubles; 1000 Rubles and 5000
Rubles, P-S417 to P-S419, VG to XF. ��������������������������������������� Est.