Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 11, 2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comRussia - Northwest
389 Field Treasury, Northwest Front. 1919 Issue.Russia - Northwest.
500, 1000 Rubles. SCWPMS209, S210. Highest denominations in the
group. Trophy of arms and flags at left. Eagle at right. Large format.
Fine or a bit better with a stain andVery Fine and better, respectively.
2 pieces.������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
390 Field Treasury, Northwest Front. 1919 Issue.Russia - Northwest.
25, 50 Kopeks; 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 100 Rubles. SCWPM S201, S202,
S203, S204b, S205b, S206a, S207a, S208. Mostly Very Fine or
so; plus Russia-South. 500 Rubles, 1920. SCWPM S433b. VF.
9 pieces.������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
Russia - Private & Local Issues
391 All Russian Central Union of Consumer Societies, 1920 IssuedBanknote.
Russia. 25 Rubles, P-Unlisted, Black, light green,
beige and red design, back with horse pulling hay wagon in fields,
Uncirculated to CU. Attractive and rare note. ����������������������Est.
392 All Russian Central Union of Consumer Societies, 1920 IssuedBanknote.
Russia. 50 Rubles, P-Unlisted, Black, light green, beige
and red design with hands shaking on top middle, back with man
plowing fields, Uncirculated to CU but there are 2 stampings on the
top and bottom left corners that can be removed. Attractive and rare
note. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
393 All Russian Central Union of Consumer Societies, 1920 SpecimenBanknote.
Russia. 500 Rubles, P-Unlisted, Black, light green, beige
and red design on face with men hailing in fishing nets, Choice AU to
Uncirculated with 6 small POC’s. Another attractive and rare note.
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
394 Armavir Central Labor Coop, 1924 Local Issues Quartet.Russia,
Lot of 4 notes, Includes 50 Kopeks (2); 1 Ruble and 3 Rubles, all
unlisted in SCWPM, All in XF to AU-Unc. �����������������������������Est.
395 Chechnya, Grozny Issue 1922 Private and Local BanknoteAssortment
Russia, Lot of 4 notes, all 1922 issues, Includes Grozneft
Payment Orders, 1 Kopek, R-4248; 3 Kopeks, R-4249; 10 Kopeks,
R-4251, VG to AU; Central Administration of Grozny Oil Factories
Payment Order, 50 Rubles, XF with toning on margins. Scarce