Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 11, 2015
Archives International Auctions
748 City Bank of New Haven Uncut sheet.CT. 5-5-5-10. Steam sailing
ship at top center on 5, Franklin, Washington and cherubs on 10.
TC&C. As made. ������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
749 City Bank of New Haven, Uncut sheet 5-5-5-10.Connecticut.
TCC&Co. - ABNC imprint. Steam Sailing ship at top center of
the 5s. Franklin, Washington and cherubs on the 10. Extremely
750 Quinnipiac Bank, 18xx (ca.1850’s) Proof Obsolete Banknote.New
Haven, CT, $1, Haxby 300-UNL, W0750-001-UNL, Proof banknote
printed in black on india paper, PCGS graded Choice About New 58,
POC’s, TCC. Rare note. ����������������������������������������������������Est.
751 Bank of Jeffersonville Uncut Proprietary Proof Sheet of 2.Jeffersonville, Indiana. Lot of 2 notes (uncut sheet of 2), 1858
(ca.1970’s), $1-$2, (IN-280-G2a; G4a), Modern “Proprietary
Proofs”. The $1 proof has woman holding flowers on left and seated
allegorical woman with ships in middle. Black printing without
underprint, printed on thin white card, CU to Gem Uncirculated
condition. WH&W. Archival “Proprietary” proofs rarely seen in sheet
form. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
752 Pioneer Association Uncut Sheet of 4 Proofs.La Fayette, Indiana.
Lot of 4 notes (uncut sheet of 4), 18xx (ca.1970’s), $1-2-5-5, Modern
“Proprietary Proofs”. Unlisted inHaxby.The $1 proof has an standing
allegorical woman on left with scenic view on top and men moving
logs on lower right; the $2 note has horses pulling wagon in middle,
Jefferson on right and woman on left; the $5 notes have cattle on
left and men with hay on right. Notches on all 4 margins for printing
registration. Black printing on red underprint printed on thin white
card, Uncirculated condition. BC&C. Archival “Proprietary” proofs
rarely seen in sheet form. �������������������������������������������������� Est.