December 11,2015
Archives International Auctions
766 Parsipany, NJ obsolete Scrip Note Pair.Parsipany, New Jersey,
181x (ca.1810-1819), Lot of 2 notes, Unissued merchant scrip, 50
cents, Both inVF to XF with toning, rough right edges, rare and early
New Jersey scrip notes. ������������������������������������������������������ Est.
New York
767 Ames’ Business College Bank. 1864 College Currency.New York.
Syracuse. 10 Dollars. Sage, Sons & Co. Buffalo, printers. Hay wagon
at top center. Very Good-Fine.�����������������������������������������������Est.
768 Bath Hotel Co. Seaside 1853.New York. Obsolete Banknote
Look-a-like, 1 Share Certificate made to look like a $10 bill. Castle-
like building view across top. Doty & Bergen imprint. Issued,
XF+. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
769 Hornellsville. Bank of Hornellsville. $5. 1854. Proof on India paper.NewYork, $5, NY-1030G6. B. Frontiersmen. Baldwin, Adams. Choice
Uncirculated. Edge splits in the wide right margin.�������������� Est.
770 NY. New York. Marine Bank of the City of New York. $5. 1850’s. Proof on India paper.NY-1710. Daniel Webster. Baldwin, Adams.
Uncirculated. No folds, but themargins are tight, and there are some
tears in the lower right corner.��������������������������������������������� Est.
771 Soda Water tickets, store scrip group.NY. Van Horn & Ellison’s
Celebrated Soda Water, 5th Ave and 58th Street. NY. 5, 10, 15 Cent
Specimens ABNC Litho. Also E.M. Thompson, Bennington County,
VT 2 Dollars, 187x. Watertown Ct. John A. Woodward, 1880 Real
estate, Matt. Hewins, GrandGift Enterprise. 1872.Variess fromGood
for the last three to Unc. for the first Soda tickets. 6 pieces. Est.
772 Utica Insurance Comp., ND (ca.1810’s) Proof Banknote.Utica,
New York, ND (ca.1810’s), $5, (Harris-H260), Haxby unlisted, black
on india paper, Athena on shore at top middle, Phoenix in fire at
bottom, Appears Uncirculated to CU condition. Leney & Rollinfon,
scarce early New York obsolete proof in superb condition. (Ex
Smythe & Co., Auction 247, Mar. 23, 2005, Lot #4623, sold for $575)
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
Northern States
773 Group of Obsolete notes and small change notes.United States.
Includes issues of Isaac Campbell, Boston; Townsend Bank (2); New
York Loan Co. $20. Fine.; Pioneer Association $1, rough; Farmers’
and Drovers’ Bank $5, inked as a counterfeit; Allegheny bank 1815 1,
5 Dollar (2 of each). Alton NH 50 Cents, Bank of Lowville 25, 50 Cents
Unissued remainders. A varied group and mostly in very low grade or
damaged. 13 pieces. �������������������������������������������������������������Est.