Archives International Auctions- AIAXXVIII
September 17,2015
Archives International Auctions
1019Giori Test Note.ND (ca.1970’s). Uniface specimen of test note with
partial designs fromU.S. $1 and $5 bills.Grass green face, back blank.
This note was from a test sheet printed to show the capabilities of
the Giori Printing Press. Portraits of Lincoln, Washington and Grant
with lines across their faces in middle and additional elements on
sides and top. Back blank. Graded in a PMG holder, “66 EPQ”, Gem
Uncirculated. Scarce in high grade and always popular. ������Est.
1020Hospital Relief Futurity Fund receipts.Child facing on 1932, 1933
forms, Mother with child on 1934, 1935, 1938, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943
forms. All Stamped Specimen with POCs. Security BNC. Printed on
Hammermill Safety Stock or Arrowhead stock Nice watermarks.
Nice. Uncirculated. 9 pieces.����������������������������������������������������Est.
1021 John A.Gray Civil War Era Patriotic “Fancy Job Printing”Advertisement.
ND (1862 written on top corner). Single page 5.5 by
8.75 inch small broadside, flier or bookplate printed on both sides.
Multi-color red, brown and blue patriotic eagle design on one side
and building on the backside advertising information about the
printing company and its services. VF condition with light foxing on
borders. Attractive early patriotic printing company advertisement.
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1022 Patriotic Liberty proof vignette3 x 3-1/2 inches on india paper.
Plate numbers at bottom 606 08. Bold. As made.��������������������Est.
1023 PROVETRYKK Proveseddel test printing uniface specimens by Goebel. 1950s-1960s.Berlin, Germany. 1) Brown, 6” x 3”. EF.
Penned notations on back relating to pressures employed.2) Blue, 8”
x 4” and with additional geometric elements and border segments.
EF-AU, “769700” penned in the lower margin. [2]������������������ Est.
1024Security Printer Advertising Notes from France, Spain and Hungary ca.1970-80’s.1) “Enchantillon.” 2) Fabrica Nacional de
Moneda yTimbre, 500, Madrid. 3) 01, Proba Forma Penzjegynyomda,
Budapest 1973. LL Uncirculated and attractive. �������������������� Est.