Archives International Auctions- AIA XXIX Part II
October 29,2015
Archives International Auctions
750 Russo-Asiatic Bank, ND (1917) Proof Banknote.Harbin, Russia,
100 Rubles, P-S478p S/M #O5-105, Proof banknote printed
on india paper on large card, Face only, no back, PMG graded
Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ, amazing rarity and rarely offered
at auction in proof. ABNC. This is the only one graded in the PMG
751 State Treasury Note, 1934 “Gold Ruble” High Grade Note.Russia. 1934, 1 Gold Ruble, P-207, Issued banknote, with signatures,
black on light orange underprint, S/N’s 748658, PMG graded Gem
Uncirculated 65 EPQ*, Attractive high grade note.��������������Est.
752 State Treasury Note, 1934 “Gold Ruble” High Grade Note.Russia. 1934, 1 Gold Ruble, P-207, Issued banknote, with signatures,
black on light orange underprint, S/N’s 748608, PMG graded Gem
Uncirculated 66 EPQ, Attractive high grade note. Tied for finest
known.�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
753 State Treasury Note, 1934 “Gold Ruble” High Grade Note.Russia. 1934, 1 Gold Ruble, P-207, Issued banknote, with signatures,
black on light orange underprint, S/N’s 748609, PMG graded Gem
Uncirculated 65 EPQ, Attractive high grade note.����������������Est.
754 State Treasury Note, 1934 “Gold Ruble” High Grade Note.Russia. 1934, 1 Gold Ruble, P-207, Issued banknote, with signatures,
black on light orange underprint, S/N’s 748609, PMG graded Gem
Uncirculated 65 EPQ, Attractive high grade note.����������������Est.
755 State Treasury Note, 1934 “Gold Ruble” High Grade Sequential Banknote Pair.Russia. Lot of 2 notes, Both are sequential 1934, 1
Gold Ruble, P-207, Issued banknotes with signatures, black on light
orange underprint, S/N’s 748610 and 748611, Both PMG gradedGem
Uncirculated 65 EPQ, Attractive high grade sequential pair. Est.
756 State Treasury Note, 1934 “Gold Ruble” High Grade Note, Finest Graded in the PMG Census.Russia. 1934, 5 Gold Rubles, P-211,
Issued banknote, with signatures. black on light blue underprint, S/N
TG 798824, PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ* With claims to
Superb condition, none grading higher and this note will literally be
impossible to improve upon. ��������������������������������������������Est.
757 State Treasury Note, 1934 “Gold Ruble” High Grade Note.Russia.
1934, 5 Gold Rubles, P-211, Issued banknote, with signatures. black
on light blue underprint, S/N Tr 798815, PMG graded Choice About
Uncirculated 58. ��������������������������������������������������������������������Est.