Archives International Auctions- AIA XXIX Part II
October 29,2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comRussia - North Caucasus
764 Vladikavkaz Railroad Co., 1918 Issue.Russia - North Caucasus. 100
Rubles. SCWPMS594. Steampassenger train at left end. Back shows
map of the Caucasus showing railway route from Rostov-on-the-
Don to Petrovsk and Baku. PMG Choice Uncirculated 64, annotated
(pencil notation in lower right margin).�������������������������������� Est.
Russia - USSR
765 State Bank Note of the USSR. 1947 dated issue.50, 100 Ruble.
SCWPM 229, 230, 231, 232. 15 or 16 scrolls on wreath of wheat on
back. First two are Fine to Very Fine with light paper edge tone,
others are larger size and Very Fine or better. 4 pieces. (Arthur C.
Matz Collection) ������������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
766 State Notes of the USSR. 1937-1947 dated issues.1, 3, 5, 10
Chervontsev; 1, 3, 5, 10, 25 Rubles. SCWPM 202-205, 213-221, 225-
228. A very nice representative group of circulated issues in better
condition than normally seen. The Lenin 1937 is nice, the colorful
later set is very nice. Generally Fine to Very Fine, a bunch nearly
Extremely Fine or better. 20 pieces. (Arthur C. Matz Collection)�� Est.
Russia, Imperial
767 State Credit Notes, 1898-1909 dated issues.Russia. 1, 3, 5,10, 25
Rubles. MostlyVery Good-Fine. Nice group. 12 pieces. ����������Est.
Russia, South
768 Government Treasury notes issue, 1920.Russia. 500 Rubles.
Monument at center. SCWPM S434. Generally Very Good-Fine. 250
pieces.��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
769 Banque Nationale du Rwanda, 1978-1998 issues.Rwanda. 500,
5000 Francs. SCWPM 13a, 22a; Specimens: 100, 1000, 5000 Francs.
SCWPM 19s; 29s (2003); 27s; 28s. Second is AU, all others Choice
Uncirculated. 6 pieces. �������������������������������������������������������� Est.