Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
719 De Nederlandsche Bank, 1977-85 Issue.Netherlands. 50, 100
Gulden. SCWPM 96, 97a. Sunflower and Snipe. Both Choice
Uncirculated. 2 pieces. (Arthur C. Matz Collection) �������������� Est.
720 De Nederlandsche Bank, 1977-85 Issue.Netherlands. 250 Gulden.
SCWPM 98a. Lighthouse. Very slightest bend near top edge.
Extremely Fine. (Arthur C. Matz Collection) ������������������������� Est.
721 De Nederlandsche Bank. 1953, 1955 Issue.Netherlands. 10, 25
Gulden. SCWPM 85; 87 (2). Featuring DeGroot and Huygens. First
Choice Uncirculated, others Extremely Fine. 3 pieces. (Arthur C.
Matz Collection) ������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
New Zealand
722 Reserve Bank of New Zealand, 1992-99 Notes with sheet selvageNew Zealand. 5, 10 Dollars. SCWPM 177; 178. Single notes with top
or bottom sheet selvage. Extremely Fine to Choice Uncirculated. 2
pieces. (Arthur C. Matz Collection)����������������������������������������� Est.
723 Reserve Bank of New Zealand, 1992-99 Paper Type Set withvarieties
New Zealand. 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 Dollars. Featuring Hillary,
Sheppard, Elizabeth II, Ngata and Rutherford. Birds on back.The 100
with low serial # AA006992. SCWPM 177a; 178a; 179a; 180a, 181a;
182a; 183. All Choice Uncirculated and very nice. 7 pieces. (Arthur C.
Matz Collection) ������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
724 Reserve Bank of New Zealand, 1999 Polymer Type SetNew
Zealand. 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 Dollars. SCWPM 185a, 186a, 187a,
188a, 189a. All with matching serial # AA99000469. With Bank
information card describing notes and mentioning that only 1000
matched serial # sets were available in this high serial # range. All
Choice Uncirculated. 5 notes and card. (Arthur C. Matz Collection)
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