Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
620 Germany assortment.Germany. East 200, 500 Mark. SCWPM 32,
33; West: 10 Pf, 2 Mark; SCWPM 26, 29. Commerzbank Traveler’s
Checks 50, 100, 500 Mark Specimens. Uncirculated; Also Notgeld
(11) and otherWeimar era issues (26 including 3 Austrian). 44 pieces.
621 Reichsbanknote and others. 1900-1923.Germany. Includes
Reichsbanknote issues, Koln and Buer state issues as well as a
Bayerische Banknote 100 Mark. Quite the mix. Generally Very Good
or a bit better, but a few with paper loss or marks. 65 pieces. Est.
Germany - Empire & Weimar Republic
622 Germany, Empire, Weimar Republic and Third Reich mixture.Germany. Empire: 20, 100, 1000 Marks; Weimar Republic: 100, 500,
1000, 5000, 5000, 100,000 Marks; Also includes inflation issues, an
East German 5 Mark of 1975 and two AMC. Generally Very Good, a
few worse, a few better. Over 115 pieces. ������������������������������ Est.
Germany - Federal Republic
623 Deutsche Bundesbank. 1989-1993 Issue.Germany. 5, 10, 20 Mark.
SCWPM 37 (Series A-D0, A-D5, A-D6, A-L5, A-U4, A-Z1), 38a AA-U5,
b AY-S4, c GG-N4, d GS-Z1; 39b. All Choice Uncirculated. 11 pieces.
(Arthur C. Matz Collection) ��������������������������������������������������Est.
624 Deutsche Bundesbank. 1989-1993 Issue.Germany. 50, 100 Mark.
SCWPM 40a, c; 41b. Featuring Neumann and Schumann. All Choice
Uncirculated. (Arthur C. Matz Collection) ���������������������������� Est.
625 Deutsche Bundesbank. 1996 Issue.Germany. 50, 100 Mark.
SCWPM45, 46. 2.1.1996. BothChoiceUncirculated. 2 pieces. (Arthur
C. Matz Collection) ��������������������������������������������������������������Est.