Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comEl Salvador
594 Banco Central de Reserva de el Salvador, 1944-1988 Issues,El Salvador. 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 Colones. SCWPM 76a (Fine), 87
(VF), 105a (Fine), 124a125a (2), 126, 129b, 130b, 131b, 133, 133A
(2), 134b, 135a, 136a Choice Uncirculated except where noted.
16 pieces. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
595 Banco Central de Reserva de el Salvador, 1997 Issue.El Salvador.
5, 25, 50, 100, 200 Colones. SCWPM 153s, 155s, 156s, 157s, 158s. A
very nice group includes a postcard fromTazumal. All Extremely Fine
+. 5 notes and a postcard.����������������������������������������������������Est.
596 Banco Central de Reserva de el Salvador. 1957, 1958 IssuesEl
Salvador. 1 Colon, 1957, SCWPM 93s. Farmer plowing at center.
Specimen and POC; 25 Colones, 1958, SCWPM 97s. Reservoir
spillway t center. Specimen and POC. Pencil notation at lop left
and bottom right margins on back. Both ABNC. Extremely Fine and
Choice Uncirculated. 2 pieces.��������������������������������������������� Est.
597 Banco Central de Reserva de el Salvador. 1964, 1965 Issue.El
Salvador. 5 Colones, 1964, SCWPM 106s. Overprint twice on both
sides, POC. Tape residue at bottom center on face; 100 Colones,
1965, SCWPM 107s. Both ABNC. Both with pen notation at top left
on back. Choice Uncirculated and Extremely Fine. 2 pieces. Est.
598 Banco Central de Reserva de el Salvador. 1977, 1978 Issue.El
Salvador. 100Colones, 1977. SCWPM132s. Independencemonument
at right. ABNC. Overprinted twice on face, pencil notations in three
corners on back. POCs; 100 Colones, 1978. SCWPM 133s Unlisted as
a Specimen. Overprinted on each side, hand stamped in lower right
on back 18 78 023. Both Choice Uncirculated. 2 pieces.��������Est.
599 Banco Central de Reserva de el Salvador. 1983 Issues.El Salvador.
5Colones. SCWPM134sOverprinted twice on front, but without POC
as noted in catalog. Paper tone at top left; 10Colones. SCWPM135s1.
Nice and bright, bold embossing. BothABNC. ChoiceUncirculated. 2
pieces. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.