Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
606 Government of Fiji. 1953 Issue.Fiji. 10 Shillings, 1.10.1965. SCWPM
52e. Last date of the type. Elizabeth II at right, national arms at top
center. BW&Co. PMG Extremely Fine 40 EPQ. Nice.������������ Est.
607 Fijian Government Debenture, 1872 Issue with Printed “No.” on Upper Left & RightLevuka, Fiji, 187x, 1872 1st January 1872, $10,
P-5d, Issued and ink cancelled, Single chain, black on buff paper,
Printed “No.” on top left and right, Text has “TEN DOLLARS” and
“Fifteenth” printed, S/N 61, Signature of Hennings as Treasurer,
Vertical TEN DOLLARS printed twice in brown to left and right of
Fiji Arms, denomination and text handwritten. PMG graded Choice
Extremely Fine 45 with fresh appearance, strong ink colors, firm
paper and sharp corners that only enhance this rare note. Difficult
if not impossible to improve upon. Printed at the Gazette office
Levuka. Ovalau, Fiji.This is the finest known by far of the 2 graded by
PMG. This a Fiji, Cakobau Rex notes came from a small estate sale in
608 Finlands Bank, 1866 Issue Banknote.Finland, 1 Markka, P-A39,
Issued banknote, PMG graded Fine 12, scarce note in any condition.
This is the only note graded in the PMG census. Rare and attractive.
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609 AssignatsFrance. Assignats. 10, 15, 25, 50 Sols; A54, A55, A64 (10),
A65 (2), A68b, A69, A70 (11), A71 (3); 50 Livres 1792 A72; Fine, paper
separation; 5 Livres A76 (3). Very Good to Uncirculated. Nice group.
34 pieces. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
610 AssignatsFrance. SCWPM A64a; A69b; A70b (2, one Very Fine);
A83b. Uncirculated except where noted. Some with some light paper
tone. 5 pieces. (Arthur C. Matz Collection) ���������������������������Est.
611 Bank of France. Type Set. 1968-81 Issue.France. 10, 20, 50, 100
Francs. Featuring Berlioz, Debussy, de la Tour, and Delacroix.
SCWPM 150c 1.7.1976, first year variety; 151i 1997, last year of
issue; 152b, 154h. All Choice Uncirculated. 4 pieces. (Arthur C. Matz
Collection)��������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
612 Banque de France Banknote Assortment.France. 1937-1945. 20,
50, 100, 500, Francs. SCWPM80, 85, 86, 92, 93, 94, 95, 100. Generally
Good toVeryGood, some with paper loss, tape, stains, pinholes. One
OccupiedTerritories 100 Francs. Total of 93 pieces. ������������� Est.