Archives International Auctions, Part XXI
November 4, 2014
Archives International Auctions
1421 Group of Larger Format Medals.
1876 International Exhibition.
52mm. White metal. Washington by F. Schmahlfeld, V. Christesen
and H. Ohlrik. Uncirculated; 1876Centennial. John Hancock. 42mm.
White medal. Obverse like HK-74. Reverse with John Hancock. Un-
circulated; 1889 Washington Centennial. 50mm. White metal. Fed-
eral Hall. Flags. Black, Starr & Frost. Uncirculated; 1901 Buffalo Pan
American Exposition by McNeil. 63mm. Bronze. Nude woman be-
side buffalo / Indians pass peace pipe. Uncirculated; 1904 Louisiana
Purchase Medals(2) by Weinman. Both bronze. One is three-sided,
the other square. Both EF; 1915 Pan-Pacific Expo. 51mm. Bronze.
Swedish Pavilion. ByGeorge Larson. AU; 1939GoldenGate Interna-
tional Expo. 62mm.White metal. Golden Gate bridge / Tower of the
Sun. AU; 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition. 72mm. White
metal. Exposition / Golden Gate and Bay Bridge. AU; Orange Coun-
tyAgricultural Society award medal. ND.Woman, wreath / awarded
to. EF, weight approximately 2 lbs. �����������������������������������Est.
1422 Huge Box Lot of Elongated Coins.
Cents, Nickels, Dimes, Quar-
ters, Half Dollars and some World Coins. Everything from Mickey
Mouse to Marilyn Monroe. Eleven single row boxes, seventeen al-
bumpages, and a plastic bag loaded with hundreds more elongated
coins. A huge assortment, and a nice mixture of common and scarc-
er pieces. A quick glance reveals numerous 1939 NewYork World’s
Fair pieces, including some struck on Civil War store cards, Panama
Pacific 1915 Expo, 1904 Louisiana Purchase, and many others. Must
be seen. Sold as is. Perhaps 1,000+ pieces.�������������������������Est.
1423 Important Louisiana Exposition Medal.
1885-86 North Central
and South American Exposition New Orleans Medal. Bronze, 73.5
mm, 256 g, rim 9 mm. On the obverse a bison is flanked by three
allegorical women representing “THE THREE AMERICAS.” On the
reverse, wreaths of corn, cotton, wheat, and laurel surround the
central text which states AWARDED BY / THE / NORTH CENTRAL
ANS. A Choice example, with proof like red and brown surfaces on
both sides. There are light fingerprints in the fields, but no distract-
ing contact marks or rim bruises. A visually impressive and appeal-
ing example, weight approximately 1 lb.��������������������������Est.
1424 Large Assortment of Mostly Modern Large Bronze Medals
ly bronze larger format (3” on average) medals including George
Washington by Robbins , National TB 50th Anniversary 1954,
National Baseball Museum, Washington by Laura Cardin Fraser
and many more. Must be seen. [50 pcs.], weight approximately
19 lbs. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
1425 Large Box of Miscellaneous Medals, Tokens and Surprises.
quick glance reveals hundreds of “Good Luck” encased coins, med-
als and tokens, campaign buttons, macerated currency, wooden
nickels, and much, much more. Must be seen. Sold as is, weight ap-
proximately 12.5 lbs. ���������������������������������������������������������Est.
1426 Large Box of Modern Presidential Medals and Others.
lin Mint Treasury of Presidential Commemorative Medals. Silver.
28mm.(35). Franklin Mint History of the United States. Bronze.
45mm. 1776-1831(56 pcs.) State Silver Dollar Medals collection.
CN.(55). Apollo Series by Galaxy(6). Large format bronze med-
als, some Presidential, some historical(16). Numerous 40-50mm.
non-silver medals(40+). 2009 Medallic Art edition of Brenner’s Lin-
coln. [Total over 200 pcs.], weight approximately 31 lbs.��� Est.
1427 Large Format Columbian Exposition Medal Grouping
1) Colum-
bus. Administration Building, reverse. Copper. 70mm. 201.2g. Very
high relief. Almost Uncirculated. Rim damage on the reverse. At-
tractive deep brown and red surfaces. 2) Columbus holds chart.
Allegorical females point to exposition site, reverse. Aluminum.
50mm. Uncirculated. PL surfaces. 3) Columbus and his ships. Span-
ish and American shield, reverse. White metal. 60mm. Uncirculat-
ed. 4) Columbus. Fairgrounds, reverse. Brass. 50mm. Uncirculated.
5) Similar. White metal. Uncirculated. 6) Columbus. U.S. Presidents
on the reverse. 55mm. Aluminum. Almost Uncirculated, with Proof
like fields. 7) Columbus. Columbus landing and taking possession of
San Salvador, reverse. Bronze. 52mm. By Lea Alborn. Uncirculated.
[7], weight approximately 1.5 lbs. ��������������������������������������Est.
1428 Large Grouping of Mostly Modern Large Bronze Medals
bronze larger format (3” on average) medals including “America’s
First Medals” issued by the Treasury, an interesting collection of
“Lucky” Pennies, a Lincoln plaque by J. Kratina, 1982 IBM Space
Shuttle medal, a 1927 ColumbiaUniversityAlma Mater medal, Pres-
idential, and more. Many in the original boxes. [75], weight approx-
imately 29.5 lbs. ����������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1429 Large Grouping of Mostly Modern Large Bronze Medals
bronze larger format (3” on average) medals including Birth of the
US Marine Corps, Pony Express, Lewis & Clark, College Football
Centennial and many others. [63 pcs.], weight approximately 23.5
lbs. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.