Archives InternationalAuctions,PartXIX
May20, 2014
Archives InternationalAuctions
79 Russo-Asiatic Bank, 1917 “Harbin” Issue BanknoteAssortment.
Harbin, China, Lot of 7 notes, All 1917 issues, Includes 50 kopeks,
ChoiceVF; 1 Ruble, (5), Choice Fine toChoiceVF; and 3 Rubles,VF,
P-S473a; S474a; S475s. Attractive group of railroad relatedChinese
noteswithstrongRussian ties.ABNC. ���������������������������������Est.
80 Industrial Development Bank of Jehol, 1925 Banknote Issue in
Unlisted “Red” Color.
China, 1 Yuan, P-S2186a, Issued banknote
printed in unlisted red color, listed as violet in SCWPM. Choice to
GemUncirculated conditionbut the front printing is a little light or
possibly faded,P.C.Kaosignature,S/N1775126,amazingnote inany
conditionandpossibly thefinest known for the issue.ThePMGcen-
sus lists 3 additional noteswith the highest graded inAU, this note
far surpasses thatgrade.BEPP. ���������������������������������������� Est.
81 ProvincialBankofThreeEasternProvinces,1929 IssueSpecimen.
ThreeEasternProvince,China, 1929, 1Yuan, P-S2962s1S/M#T214-
190c.Specimen,Blackonm/c,Pavilionbypool atcenter,PMGgrad-
ed Superb GemUncirculated 67 EPQ (Exceptional Paper Quality).
ABNC.Tied forhighestgradewithoneothernoteoutof15graded in
thePMGcensus. ���������������������������������������������������������������Est.
82 Provincial Bank of theThree Eastern Provinces, 1929 “Tientsin”
Branch Issue.
China, 1929, 10Yuan, P-S2964b (S/M#T214-192b), Is-
“ThreeEasternProvinces”,P-S2964a,VFtoChoiceVF, rarenotewith
noneon thePMGcensus.ABNC.�����������������������������������������Est.
83 Provincial Bank ofThree EasternProvinces, 1929SpecimenSec-
ond“Tientsin” Issue.
Tientsin,China, 1929, 1Yuan,P-S2962s2, (S/M
Rarebranch variety. PMGgradedSuperbGemUncirculated67EPQ
(Exceptional PaperQuality).ABNC.Tied for Finest gradedout of 11
graded in thePMGcensus.ABNC. ������������������������������������Est.
84 Provincial Bank ofThree EasternProvinces, 1929SpecimenSec-
ond “Tientsin” Issue.
Tientsin, China, 1929, 10 Yuan, P-S2964s2
(S/M#T214-192), Specimenbanknote,Greenonm/c, house inmid-
dlewith canoe, back green, POC’s, PMG gradedGemUncirculated
66EPQ (Exceptional PaperQuality)”, Rare note that was not know
toexistbefore theJune1991Christie’sauctionof theAmericanBank
NoteArchives.ABNC.Tied for Finest gradedout of 11graded in the
PMGcensus.ABNC. ��������������������������������������������������������� Est.