Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
429 Chambersburg and Bedford Turnpike Road Co, 1904 Stock CertificatesPennsylvania, 37 shares = $1850, dated 1904, issued to
Henry W. Biddle of the famous Pennsylvania family, S/N 140, signed
and embossed at left side; also included a receipt for the same.���Est.
430 Coshocton and Great Bend Turnpike Road, 1810 Issued StockPennsylvania. 1 Share Issued Stock Certificate. I/U. Black print with a
very simple black geometric border. Very plain looking certificate in
Fine-VF condition. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
431 Danborough and Point Pleasant Turnpike Road Co, 1848 Stock CertificatePennsylvania, 4 shares = $100, I/U, black think greyish paper,
S/N 5, with star-shaped seal affixed, signed, and dated 1848. Pleasing VF
with some staining on the seal likely as a result of the adhesive originally
used. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
432 Green Castle and Mercersboro Turnpike Road Co., 1821 Hand WrittenWarrant..Pennsylvania, Warrant for building part of the road
for the turnpike for $474.17 due to Patrick Gallagher that is payable
by the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. VF, Cut cancelled. Rare early
turnpike related document. ������������������������������������������������������������Est.
433 Hatborough and Warminster Turnpike Road Co, 1851 Stock CertificatePennsylvania, 1 share = $25, I/U, blue on thick yellowish
paper, S/N 42. VF condition. Signed and stamped with corporation seal.
Reverse inscriptions indicate further transfer of certificate. ��������Est.
434 Mercer andMeadvilleTurnpike RoadCo, 1808-18 StockCertificate and ReceiptPennsylvania, 1 share = $25, I/U black on brownish paper,
S/N 419 issued by Mercer and Meadville Turnpike Road Co, embossed
on left, Fine with vertical splits. Also included is a handwritten receipt for
eleven dollars and seventy four and three fourths of a cent, dated 1808.
F-VF and unusual. �������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.