Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comSCRIPOPHILY - TOBACCO & CIGARS
424 American Tobacco Co., 1904 Specimen BondNew Jersey. $1000
Specimen 6% Gold Coupon Bond, Black print on ornate orange border
and under tint, American Bald Eagle at top, Specimen overprints, POC’s,
VF-XF condition, ABNC. ��������������������������������������������������������������Est.
425 Continental Tobacco Co., 1900 Specimen BondNew Jersey. $1000
Specimen 7% Gold Debenture Coupon Bond. Black print with an ornate
green border and under tint, in a small sized certificate. Civil War scene
at top of certificate. Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF-XF condition with
coupons attached. ABNC.�������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Historic Pennsylvania Turnpike Stock
Certificate Collection
426 Agricultural College and Junction Turnpike Road Co, 1871 Stock CertificatePennsylvania, I/U certificate for one share, in the name of
Moses Thompson, investor and entrepreneur in various railroads, and
also secretary and treasurer at Farmers’ High School, which later evolved
to Pennsylvania State University. Dated 1871 and S/N 9. Red on white
paper. Embossed seal on left. XF condition.���������������������������������Est.
427 Bald Eagle, Nittany and Brush Valley Turnpike, 1835 Uncut Sheet of 2 Stock Certificates.Pennsylvania, Uncut sheet of 2 Stocks, issued
and endorsed on the back, the turnpike was 5 miles in length. Rare
turnpike stock certificate. �������������������������������������������������������������Est.
428 CentreTurnpike Road, 1812-21 Stock Certificate PairPennsylvania,
pair of certificates, the first dated 1812, I/U for one share, with embossed
seal on left counterfoil with ornate left border. Fine to VF with some edge
and corner chips. The second is an uncut pair of unissued certificates,
dated 1821, each for 1 share = $50.�����������������������������������������������Est.